I need to get LO to rest more, we don't have him in a crate so that is not the answer for us. Is it normal for them to be so distracted and interested to not rest/sleep?

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Try putting him in a small room with a gate up, maybe a bathroom? Is Lo still not feeling good?
Why do you want Lo to rest more?
Does he get enough excercise (2 walks a day + playtime)? Maybe he's restless? When Gibson seems like he's tired but won't lay down I play chase w/him and then he's out for the night. Does he have a spot of his own where you hang out to lay down? If his bed is in a different room then you he probably will not want to go to it.
He seems to want to go to sleep but then something distracts him, Rex wants to go outside, UPS truck with gets Rex barking, kids come home, daddy comes home, I move away from him/my desk that sort of thing.
Maybe is just isnt tired enough, I think if Lo was really tired the distractions wouldnt bother him, I just think that is dogs in general, they want to know what is going on at all times. If their are things going on I dont think they will sleep. I would think if he is really tired he will lay down and rest. How old is Lo now, maybe doesnt need quite as much sleep as Lo used to? Just trying to help you out. Is his bed where the rest of the family is too.
He about 17 weeks, I think I will start putting him in his travel cage. That has worked before when he will bark for a few then go to sleep. He sleeps with us in the bed, he starts about 8 then when I go to bed I bring him with me. I think he is just being nosey and you are right if he was really tired enough he would nap because we can move him around at night and not a whimper or acknowledgment from him.
Well I think we are giving LO to much attention (he IS cute) so I have been putting him down, yes just like you do with babies. He whined a bit in his travel crate but not for long and I think that is what we will continue to do.
My dogs are adults and they are still so interested in things going on that they will sometime sleep with there heads proped in the window. However, they get to stay outside while we are at work and then we walk them at night so they are whipped out by the time they come inside. Puppies need activity to make them tired they are like children they need to blow off some steam.
LO spent his first whole night in his travel cage/crate. I missed his little warm furry body but in the long run it is best for all of us. It is time to get with the program instead of spoiling. I put him in at 10 and got him out at 8 (it is sunday after all) didn't hear a whimper all night and in the morning he was very excited to get out but no barking or anything. We also got him a bed from costco and I was teaching him to stay in it. It is kind of funny to say but he actually seemed to enjoy the boundaries I was setting, I suppose because he was getting lots of good boys and belly rubbing.


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