Zoe has been eating a lot of grass lately. Any ideas on why?

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Alot of times animals will eat grass when they have an upset stomach. My Maggie has been digging for grub worms, earth worms and snails lately so that is why she is eating alot of grass. Could be Zoe is finding critters you can't see.
i'm gonna have to agree with amy on this one :) although ein just loves to eat/play with leaves. he can't get enough of them! spring is in the air!!!
ive heard that it settles their tummies if its upset, ours loves to eat grass alot. I dont think his tummy bothers him all the time though. I have heard they will throw it up if their tummies are bothering them but ours doesnt throw up the grass when he eats it, so maybe he just likes eating it?
Nutmeg has eaten enough grass to re-sod a major league baseball stadium! She never throws it up. It's Florida grass, so it has a salty taste to it, and it's very textured. She just loves ripping the "vines" of grass out of the ground. I've given up trying to stop her. I'd spend all of our time saying NO! NO! STOP! NO! No Grass! uggghh.
Zoe could very well just enjoy the taste of the grass. If they eat it in large amounts it has an automatic cleansing reaction to the system and releases whatever that is causing them problems.
The whole "dog's eating grass because they are sick" is actually a big myth.

You have a corgi and it likes to eat stuff. It probably likes the taste and the texture.
Thanks, I'll stop worrying about the grass!


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