My fiance and I have been looking for a tri-color male puppy for almost a year. We have been meeting and talking with breeders all over Washington state and Oregon. We had a line on the perfect puppy with a woman in eastern Washington, but he turned out to be a fluffy. As adorable as that style is, we have fallen in love with the classic looking Corgi. We are set on tri-color, as well, which seems to be rare with breeders we've talked to.

We live in a quiet neighborhood with a large, fully fenced yard. We like to hang at home, but we do take roadtrips and go camping in the area. My fiance works from home, so we'd have someone here with the puppy all the time. We both grew up around dogs, and we are excited to have one of our own.

Can anyone help? Anyone know of a breeder in the area with an available tri-color male puppy? We are so ready to add a puppy to our family, and appreciate any help or suggestions for us. Thank you!

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Hi Cody Jones, join the Washington group, message the owners directly may point you to the right direction. Since this is not an adoption, I've relocated the thread in the "breeder review" section.

Here is the breeder referral from the pw corgi club of america -


BTW, on the subject of working from home, get a crate and lots of chew and chase toys. In the beginning, I could hardly WFH because Dixie wanted tons of my attention. I am currently, waiting until she is closer to 16 weeks so I can crate her longer and also looking into 2-3x a week daycare so I can actually do a full day of WFH.

Definitely check out the member list on the club site if you haven't yet. Have you considered having a puppy shipped? It costs more obviously, but breeders do it fairly frequently.


The other thing is, some breeders can get a little huffy when people want a certain color puppy. A lot of breeders will insist they choose your puppy for you so you really have little say in the color. And wanting a BHT in particular will be more difficult to find as they seem to be not as common. Have you considered a cardigan maybe...?

there is a lady in Selah, Washington with a litter of tris.  Her name is Linda. I don't know if she is on here or not. Her email is I can private message you her phone number if you like. 
I met one of her tri pups at Olympic View Elementary last week -- Tobey, 9 weeks old....!

Thank you for all the responses everyone.  We've contacted nearly everyone on the member list for both the Washington and the Oregon clubs already and haven't had much luck.


Thanks for the advice when WFH and the insight to the breeders.


I'll email the person in Selah right now.  If by chance anyone hears of any Tris please shoot me a message or post in here.  It'd be much appreciated!


Thanks again for all the responses!

How much time in between did you wait before contacting all of these breeders? That's like, a TON! None were willing to even put you on a waiting list for an upcoming litter...?

I know it's a ton, that's why it's been so frustrating not getting any results.  Often they tell us they don't have any litters or that they only have red and whites.  I'd say about 50% don't respond at all either.  So it's been slim pickins.
I know how you feel. I have been looking for a long time for a blue male cardigan and have been in the same boat. Many breeders get huffy if you want a certain color, half of them won't even talk to you, seems like you aren't getting anywhere. I even told a lot of breeders I was willing to wait up to 5 years, no success. In the end, I gave up on holding out for a color because I found out it is hard enough to get a puppy at all without restricting color.

Just a little note that this is prime dog show season which keeps many breeders away from home and on the road weeks at a time. Last weekend was the Cascade Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club Regional Specialty followed by the Nisqually Dog Show. This weekend is the Olympic Kennel Club show in Enumclaw.


At the CPWCC specialty I saw only one BHT and she was in the obedience ring. There were none at the Nisqually show. All the other tris were red heads at both shows. I have been on a waiting list for over a year now for our next pup (RHT) so I totally understand how frustrating it is to wait... but remember that good things come to those who wait! A responsible breeder isn't going to breed their dogs every heat cycle. Don't give up, keep the faith and soon the perfect pup will be coming home with you. :)  


There seems to be one black headed tri pup in this litter. 

I replied to this post 8/19/11; I just saw that my reply was blank.  

We have two tris from Carrie Hale (with Joyce Gilpin and Cheri Helsdon).  Carrie is a very serious corgi breeder and VP of Cascade Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club, last I heard.  We visited her this June; she had a litter sired by Dante (Gwynnie's sire, Al's grandsire).  She has been breeding tri pems quite a while, we feel fortunate to have gotten our dogs from her. This last litter was her first in over 2 years, so she may not be having another soon, but definitely talk to her, she would be a good starting point, well worth talking to.

I recently blundered into a tri corgi pup from a breeder in Selah, WA.  

Also contact LaVerne & Shirley, Wenatchee, they have two gorgeous tris.

Contact   Her gawjus tris are related to our dogs through... Dante? ; right now I can't remember the kennel they came from... 

Tris are beautiful, bu those black backs get hot above timberline in the summer sun.  In a perfect world, I might consider a light-colored red.  If your black-backed tri gets hot in summer sun above timberline, check out the Chillybuddy dog cooling vest.





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