I was hoping some of you on here could offer me some advice on helping keep stray cats out of my yard. There are a few cats that roam my neighborhood and have decided that part of my front yard and back yard is a litter box. Initially this didn't bother me until Skyler started digging wherever they would defecate and attempt to eat their poo! While I now stand outside in my backyard when I let him out to ensure he doesn't eat any, he'll still try and root around for any stray cat poopies until I correct his behavior.
We tried sprinkling cat repellent purchased from Home Deport on the areas the cats liked but that had no affect. We then put chicken wire down on the grown where the cats used the most and this weekend, as though they were so upset at us, pooped right by our back door and urinated on our lawn furniture! There were flies everywhere... :-(
Animal control told me to set out traps, place a can of tuna fish in it, and then bring the cat(s) in to them. So for the past two days we've done this but the cat has completely avoided the trap and this morning pooped right next to it. Someone in our neighborhood is probably feeding the cat hence why they're sticking around... Any advise would be great!
Here are some articles from google that might help. Good luck!!
(This one seems really good with lots of ideas)
I know....right!!!! I brush Cash's teeth all the time because of it!! One morning...I let them out really early and several cats/kitten were sleeping on my bench and rockers! Lord have mercy.....that about woke all the neighbors up!! I'm like you....I love animals...but these cats are making my yard "stink" and have ruined several porch pillows!! Sincerely......distressed in Mississippi!! LOL
Give the traps time. Animals approach new things warily. It does seem harsh, but feral cats are a real nuisance and cause significant songbird mortality.
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