I don't really have a lot of experience with these but it kind of seems like that's what Jasper has.  This morning I noticed a few tufts of hair were out of place on his hip and that he was biting and licking at the area a lot, which is weird because he's not usually very itchy.  After parting the disheveled hair, I noticed the skin underneath looks kind of raw and slimy and the hair looks a little thin.  It was hard to get a good picture of it, but I'll probably take him to the vet tomorrow...just wanted to see if anyone had any opinions or experience with it.

This is the best picture I could get (Warning: Pretty gross)

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Algy once had a spot like this. It was raw, red and oozey under the hair. We took him in and it turned out to be a type of skin infection. They ended up shaving the hair on his hips, where the infected area was (a reverse 'poodle' cut) and we had to put this medicated powder on him for a week or so. It eventually cleared up and the hair grew back without any complications. He was pretty good about leaving it alone and someone was home with him all the time, so he didn't have to wear his 'cone' too often. Don't know if this is the same thing that Jasper has, but with us, that's what it turned out to be.

Good luck! I hope Jasper is feeling better soon!!
If it's a hot spot you can clear the area of fur yourself and buy the over the counter hot spot medicine to save a trip to the vet....
If there's a feed store near by I'd consider picking up Nu-Stock. I use it on my foster kitties for ringworm outbreaks, mites, etc. Its supposed to take care of hotspots. So that saves you a trip to the vet if you don't want to spend the money. I can't tell from the picture but it could be ringworm, which is a big pain in the butt because you can get it too.

my dog had this bt we never toook him to the vet instead we bought him a shampoo of oatmeal dat helped him with the irritation nd after a few days he didnt have dat anymore nd we saved some money
and also it might be dat he has either fleas or ticks nd should by shampoo for dat too


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