I am someone who will live on $3.00 a day worth of food, but will spoil my dogs, lend money to my friends, and donate to charities. This last year however the doormat was lifted off of my back and the only ones I have trouble saying no to are my dogs. For example, I have switched from the nice meaty treats to milk bones, and from more expensive dog foods to science diet (still expensive). Morgan is a puppy and he has repeatedly eaten thru his leash and his older sisters. In a fit of annoyance I made him a new one out of thick fishing rope. FREE
I want him to have a nice dog bed, so I look for one on line, draw it out, and I plan to make it myself out of fabric I already have from another doggy project and old pillows. FREE

My sister thinks I am nuts and should just shell out the dow for nice name brand doggy stuff. She also thinks I should buy new clothes. I am a thrift store kind of person. I have only bought 2 new pairs of pants this year, and it is because I lost 30 lbs, and the others looked rediculous!

So I thought it would be funny to put our little disagreement to a vote. Am I nuts for making my own doggy stuff???

ps. I have sewn my dogs halloween costumes and they are CUTE!! Pictures to come!

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By no means are you cheap! I sew Gwenies toys she rips up back together. As for making your babys Halloween suits thats cool! I can't sew that well I wish I could make Gwenie clothes! Pet beds are not cheap so its cool you can make one! You should get your self some new clothes you did such a great job losing weight! I can't wait to the Halloween pic's! You are also invited to join us on Twitter we are having a Halloween Furshion show! Oct 24 all day! Heck join in PrincessGwenie and furiends would love to met you! Gwenie eats Pro Plan and is looking good! She loves Milkbones too!
I hate to admit it but I am not sure what a twitter is and I don't even own a computer. I am a motel Manager and I can use the computer at work to check in here and play a little. There is a party in my area, and there are prizes for home made costume and for human and dog matching costumes, scariest costume, all kinds of fun stuff. You can win $50 in free cookies and toys for some of the contests. So I made all our costumes and I am dressing to match. Optimal chance of winning something fun. LOL.
Thanks for the invite!
Hey.... we all gotta do what we gotta do!! And the love we give and get is FREE and UNCONDITIONAL!!! There is no price tag on that!!! And..... it NEVER goes out of fashion!!
No way! We make a lot of the stuff for our doggies. And Patti is quite the seamstress, so when we find kids clothes on sale at Wal-Mart, she alters them for the dogs. We still invest in excellent food because Tank (our cardi mix) and Ayla (our female catahoula) have nasty allergies. Can't skimp on the food and treats. But other stuff, sure do! We even make our own natural flea and tick killer for the fur-kids!

People clothes? You bet I shop the resale stores. I've gotten great Polo, Hilfiger, and other designers for a buck or two. We have two here: America's Thrift and Hudson's, as well as a really good Goodwill.

With the economy, we all have to save a dollar anywhere we can!
how do you make the flea killer?
I think you should do what makes you happy and don't worry what anyone else thinks. I am a thrift store shopper too. I try to make my own stuff. And I don't care. I buy what I think looks good on me and if other people don't like where I buy my stuff, then that's their problem. :)
If I had a sewing machine I'd do the same.
My dog sleeps on old blankets and I made him 2 t-shirts out of my own ( my brother thought I was 00000P when he chose them for me). I sawn (sp) them by hand which took a while.
And it doesn't end with the dog. I used a dark red sheet that I had to cover my futon instead of buying a cover and it looks great!
Why buy something if you can and are willing to make it? Besides, dogs won't know the difference.
That is awesome ... I wish Miranda would let me do that. She hates clothes. Probably because she is a fluff. But the pictures are adorable!
Oh yeah, did you loose 30lbs because you eat only $3 worth a day? :)
No, I have to have surgery and I know the doctor is going to say loose weight. I just cut soda out of my diet over the winter (along with some evil foods) and I lost 30 lbs. I will go back on that diet again this winter when I am not working crazy hours and trying to stay awake. I have lost half the weight I want to. The 3.00 a day comment is from college. I gained all the weight living on ramen noodles, (bread) and soda. I was working 3 jobs and going to school full time. I could go for 2 days with no food, but I drank a lot of soda and gave myself an ulser (sp). In the end I was absolutely exhausted, living on 4 hours of sleep a day maybe, but I graduated Magnum Cum Laude (sp) and only had $7,000 college debt, and I had that paid off in 2 years.

I just never stopped moving. That was one of the reasons Dad wanted me to get a dog. She calms me and slows me down. Otherwise all I would ever do is work and not have fun. Corgi's are therapists, heating pads, running partners, comedians, and philosophers in a cute furry package.
Miranda - "Play for Today, for their Maybe Rain Tomorrow. Eat for Today, for Tomorrow we Might be out of Chicken!"

She is the reason why the dog park is a recreational sport and social club. LOL
Designer dog toys are great, but old soccer balls cost $1 at the thrift store or yard sale, and these are creatures who love nothing better than a plastic bottle, old stick, or fallen apple.
True, I lost 2 pairs of shoes last week to that sad fact. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Perhaps it is just my dogs but they love OLD things. my old cumfy shoes, or a bone that has been burried in the yard. All new toys are ignored until I rub them in the dirt or get them worn in a little. For some strange reason ice cubes are the best toys ever made. They magically disappear when left alone for too long. Morgan burries them in the couch or in my shoes and then tries to find them later. Its a riot!


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