My baby girl had a very bad allergic reaction to a bug bite this summer. She developed hot spots.... my vet shaved her hair down on the worst places, and as a consequence she now has big patches of fur missing between her shoulder blades, on her shoulder and rump. She is all healed up and looking great... but how long will it take for her beautiful coat to be even again? Or will it ever....? :(

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It will come back but takes some time, could be several months before it's looking good again. Both Rosie and Rocky have had shave jobs from the vet and both have their beautiful coats back. I give them salmon oil for their coats. I use the human capsules, one per day for Rosie, she gets loose poops from too much of it, two for Rocky. Salmon oil is great for coats and is a natural anti-inflammatory so is good for joints also. Give it a try. Not sure if it will help grow the coat more quickly but makes the coat soft and shiny. I get the capsules at Wal-Mart in the human vitamin aisle. Cheaper and less messy than the dog liquids.
I'm not sure what the normal is, but Seanna had surgery the end of March for a torn ACL (pictures on my site), and it is just now getting to the point where you have to look hard to see the outline. It's almost there!
It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a year. It depends on where the dog's coat is in its growing phase - double-cated dogs like corgis grow the undercoat and shed it regularly, but they grow their topcoat (the hard, slick coat that gives them their color) and then hold on to it for up to six months or a year before shedding it. If the coat was clipped when it was just beginning its resting phase, you will have to wait until it begins its growing phase again. You may see it come back but patchily - not as full and thick as it did before - and then finally fill in completely after her next shed.

It's one of the reasons we try to avoid clipping corgis as part of normal grooming; they're not like poodles and they don't grow right back out again. It tends to make the coat weird for a long time.
Sophie was shaved for knee surgery end of July 2009 and it's just now almost grown back in. However, on the very back end of her rear, there is a 4 inch patch of area that still hasn't grown in - the longer fur around the area has grown up and around so you don't see the patch so much now. It's a long process - I didn't realize the growing season from the previous message - that is good info.


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