Its HOT here lately (yesterday was 105) and not cooling down in the evenings. Since Franklin was diagnosed with a condition that causes him to overheat quite easily I have always lived steps from the river/ocean. In a few weeks I will be moving to a new place that is farther from the river so I won't be able to take him there on my lunch break from work like I do now. How do you guys exercise your corgis in the dead of summer? Its even too hot in the mornings/evenings for Franklin to take a normal walk/run without having a water source nearby to cool down so any fun indoor games you play? I'm starting to worry a bit about this move and how I"m going to keep my dogs well exercised without having easy access to the river like I do now. I'll still be able to take them in the mornings but lunch and after work I may not be able to make it so need some other suggestions to burn off that energy!

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I know they make cooling vests for dogs.  Have you ever tried that?  And here is one with a corgi as the model!

(but there are all kinds of brands out there)

Yes Franklin had one from REI as well as a cool collar. Neither seemed to really help much. Maybe one of the really expensive ones would work better than his old one did.

I find dogs don't have as much energy when it gets hot, so maybe don't crank the air conditioning up, keep it just cool enough for  comfort, but no more.

I generally dont' really use the A/C. I leave it at around 80 or so and when I come home I turn it off and use a fan instead. My A/C isn't very efficient so it is kind of a waste of money to hope to actually cool the house instead of do much more than move air around lol.

I'm going to echo Emily's question about the vest.  I know that I've seen John Wolff mention a vest that he uses for his two above timberline.  Was it the Chillybuddy?  Something like that, I think...

Other than that, I try to stick to indoor games of fetch or "chase me" until the temperature cools in the evening.  This next week is going to be a scorcher here in NY, so we'll be hiding in our air conditioned house a lot.

It rarely gets over 90 here, but when it's very hot I put my dogs in the kiddie pool before we leave and when we return.  They can get their feet and bellies wet.  Would that be an option?

yeah I think I will look into that. Frank didn't like his kiddie pool but he did like an old plastic storage container I had, not sure what the difference was for him! That's a good idea just to dunk before hand so he can stay a bit cooler during play time. I may look into a different kind of cooling vest too since his old one didn't really work.

Frank and his cooling vest!/photo/sir...

Al in his Chillybuddy.  This is a medium.  The girth is too big; I shortened the belly strap.  You can order custom sizes for $15 extra I think; I'd go for SMALL girth and MEDIUM length.

The snow costs extra.

Have you noticed a difference when he wears it?

Nothing beats a Pupsicle(TM):

Well, you know John, you wouldn't have to go to such extremes if you would quite taking your dogs to the desert in the middle of the summer!


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