i havnt been on in a really long time so i have just been going on the site on my phone whenever i could but we are finally moved into our new appartment and its really nice and there is a corgi just a few places down :P hes has to be the biggest corgi i have ever seen! but super friendly. when we were almost moved here we had some crazy things happen. i have had to take teddy to the vet so many times! nothing majoir thank god but the 1st one scared me so bad. teddy went potty out side and as i ma heading back to the other place to pack the rest of out things, i look down and teddys face was very swollen. i called the vet and they said if he throws up have him brought in immediately. well after i hang up the phone he throws up...i called my husband and since hes in the military not to many things will get u out of work early, thank god his commander was so nice. arthur rushes in snatches him up and we rush to my vet, by that time his face was very swollen and his eyes were puffy. arthur so frantic dosnt even shut off the car! lol i have never seen my husband like that, and just think a few months earlier he hated teddy but now they love each other. the vet took good care of him. never knew what got him but they gave him lots of shots and meds, they maid him pee alot but other than that he was all good:)

then after all that we were just moved in for awhile and me and teddy were allergic to whatever they used to clean the house. teddy was given more meds but i just waited for my symptoms to go away lol

and i like to announce that we have a new member of the family! we went to the spca one day as they were very full and said everyone needed homes asap. we go there and there is a golden retriever mix pup, only 10 weeks but was going to be put down in a few days. we just couldnt let that happen. we talked about it, played with him and decided to adopt. my heart will ALWAYS be with corgis but i just couldnt see this little one be put down! he is SUPER smart. he knows 5tricks in a few days and hasnt had an accident in 2 1/2 weeks. we ae not sure what hes mixed with but he has a tail that curls over his back but has orange spots on his one paw and the rest are white(ill post pictures up soon) he is now3 1/2 months and when we got him he was 9weeks  

but the best news is we are moving to Washington DC! we are so excited!! we have been waiting on this news since january. we will be leaving on sept. 27 but 1st we are going to check out the place so on thurs day we are dropping the dogs off at the sitters and our cats will have some one to watch them as well

thats was 2moths of stuff that i tried to cram into a small discusion so u wouldnt have so much to read lol

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I am in the northern VA area so if you have any questions about the area let me know. Where will your husband be stationed? Good luck with your visit and we look forward to having another Corgi and his friend in the area!
Thank u:) I would love to meet up with u and have a corgi play date. We will be in boling afb. He is in honor guard and we plan living on base since its close to everything. There r giving us a 3 story house with everything included. I hope the fur kids like it! Lol
I'm also in the NVA area. There's a group on here for all of us if you would like to join. Every now and then one of us will post about going somewhere if others wanted to meet up.

There's also two corgi gatherings that happen around here and herding trials every october in maryland. If I can find the information I'll post them for you. :)
Thank u:) I would love to join your group and meet up with u! That would be a lot of fun. If there's any meet ups let me know and ill try and go to them. Where do the meet ups usualy take place?
Here is the herding and some meets group - http://www.pwccp.org/Default.aspx

I'm also still looking for the fun-fair group

and there's a private dog park that holds a corgi meet every fall and spring.. still looking for that one haha.

I get on the mailing lists and forget about them till they send me stuff :) So they are buried or missing at the moment haha.

It varies usually. Some in northern VA some in Maryland. The longest I've driven was for the herding though (we stayed overnight) everything else has been about an hour - hour and a half tops (I'm 30 min out of DC south side).
Lol I lose stuff all the time. Thank u for the link. I really hope I can make it I bet it will fun to watch all the bunny butts run around :P lol I can't wait for a meetup to happen. Maybe someone could show me around?? That would be fun walkiing around with a bunch of corgis hehe


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