Ugh, is there no end to the things people will pitch out a car window? Jack found and ate most of a Boston Creme doughnut before my husband managed to get the rest of it away from him.

I think the small amount of cheap chocolate in the glaze is probably not enough to cause harm, but I'm more worried about the fat and large amount of sugar. I'm waiting for the vet to open to see what they say. I have a feeling I will have a vomiting dog on my hands pretty soon....

Should I be concerned?

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My female loves to find thoses occasional treats of pizza crust on our walk. Guess it could be worse...Hope Mr. Jack is feeling a-okay!!!
We live in a university town, and now I dread home football games for this reason. People dump food, beverage containers, etc. EVERYWHERE. And a corgi is a real little vacuum cleaner looking for anything edible. Not to mention all the clueless drivers, drunks, and stop-sign runners. We were trying to cross a street, and drivers were maniacs about running the signs. Two dogs on leashes and a number of children out playing. I am glad that the doughnut didn't upset Jack's inner balance. Madoc managed to scarf down a pile of popcorn before I could snatch him away....


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