Does anyone give their Corgi any type of suppliment for joint health? Many foods contain Glucosamine and Chondroitin but even with these foods it has been suggested that a suppliment be added since in order for your dog to get enough of these nutrients just from their dog food, they would have to eat way more than they should. I don't know what the daily requirements are for these nutrients but if anyone else does, please feel free to share.

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I use Glyco-flex. I like to use a product that also contains MSM for maximum absorbtion. There are many products available.
Your vet may carry Glyco-flex, Curaflex, or fish oils such as 3-v caps or Welactin which are good for joint health-my own guys get glucosamine/msm and fish oil caps that I get at walgreens
A Cardigan breeder I talk to actually said she uses Glyco-Flex too. She said not to give it until our boy is at least a year old but I'd like to have one already picked out for when the time comes, if it is indeed going to benefit him and not hurt him in any way.
By the way, in regard to my comment above from a year ago, while the this breeder may not opt to give supplements to growing pups when Finn was diagnosed with HD at 8 months our vet said to get him on the joint supplements right away. It didn't have an adverse effect and probably helped him in the long run.

Just as a side note though, some dogs are allergic to Glucosamine. I don't believe it is common but my in laws first Corgi didn't tolerate it at all and would throw up and get diarrhea.
I give our puppy Zuke's Hip Action
Those actually sound pretty good. I thought a treat would be better than a pill but the few treats I found were either very expensive or had a lot of wheat, corn etc that I don't want to give him. There are a couple stores nearby that carry that brand so I'll have to take a look at them.
Is there a certain age that is too young for giving glucosamine? We were looking into starting Mickey on some....He is a year and a half
I wouldn't give it to a very young puppy but we started Finn on it at 8 months per our vet's instructions and he's done fine. If your dog is a year and a half you could definitely start on glucosamine.
I give Eddy Happy Hips chicken+bananna treats. It has recommendations on the back for daily serving size. I give Eddy one treat every other day.
I use pets prefer from Jeffers vet supply.....Joint comfort fomula, $12.95 for 60 tablets. They taste like beef and my two actually will sit and look at the "go go juice" jar wanting there med....We have to name everything around here...all you have to say around here is "do ya want your go go juice" and to the bedroom my two go.
After Soffie's knee injury the specialist recommended Cosequin DS one tablet in the morning and one tablet in the evening for one year following the injury and then down to one tablet a day. At that time we asked about giving Griffyn one tablet a day just on "gp" and she said that it wouldn't hurt and could be beneficial. July 29th will mark one year since Soffie tore her acl. And so far.... after opting out of surgery, and confining her activity for the 1st six months, she is almost back to full motion.

We looked at the "treat form" but they didn't contain enough of the recommended dosage of the glucosomine prescribed. And both Soffie and Griffyn gobble them up (the cosequin) along with their kibble no problem. And believe me when I tell you they know it if I've put a comfortis or a heartworm pill in their food..... they push it aside!! So the Cosequin must be tasty!! Oh... and by the way.... neither one had any kind of adverse reaction from taking it. And one more thing, I found the best price for it on!!
I have Seanna on Dasaquin after she ruptured her ACL and had surgery. It's a supplement my vet recommended. It's reasonably priced (180 pills for $100)--she takes one a day, so it's a 6 month supply. The only difference I've noted is her stools are a lot softer--but I'm not sure if it's the Dasaquin or all the treats we have to give her when we do her physical therapy.


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