Well after a couple of days of making Ziggy look at us when Skittles was in the room, and kicking him off the bed if he showed any aggressive signs, here are the results:

Of course, we still watch them closely, but it's really great to see this, because it's been a long time that Ziggy has let Skiski near him on the bed, and today they spent all day on again, off again cuddling on the bed.

We had a problem, but there is good news too.

Let me start off by saying: our apartments are very large, and our particular building is closed off, wrapped around by other buildings and a fence, so this is mostly safe (there is always a risk if you ask me.) When we go for our final potty break at night (anywhere between 1-3AM, depending on when I can get to sleep,) I don't put Ziggy's leash on. I take it with me just in case I wind up needing it, but I don't clip it on his harness. (I want him to know that I trust him, but as I am just a worry wart about leashes and dogs running off, especially since Ziggy is still a new addition to our family and he may or may not run at least once, night time is the ONLY time.)

Problem: Taking Ziggy out for our last potty break of the night and so I let him out and he starts out normal, sauntering down the stairs, then.. "Oh, hey.. What's that? Oh it's a strange cat, hmm." and then the kitty spies Ziggy. Of course, as soon as I saw the cat I tried to get Ziggles, but it as we were going down the stairs, it was just too awkward for me to catch him. Well, Mr. Kitty spies Ziggy and bolts off. Ziggy? "OMFREAKINGG! I HAVE TO GET IT!" and went after the cat like lightening, I didn't think it would be possible for HIM (other Corgis, maybe, even though they have those stumpy little legs <3 xD but not my Ziggy,) to move that quickly, before I even managed to get on level ground, he was out of my sight, I shreiked like a banshee, "ZIGGY! YOU STAY RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!"

Good news:

I didn't expect him to stop, my screaming like that was simply because I was terrified. I ran around the corner, and there was Ziggy, shaking with anticipation, staring back at me then after the kitty, back to me, kitty, me, etc, whining like I had just ruined his life. I gave him a "Good boy!" (I didn't know what to do because I wanted to let him know that it was good that he stopped, but I also wanted him to know it wasn't okay to chase the cat, which he probably couldn't get, so Idecided praise for stopping was best. Took him across the parking lot to go potty and then took him back upstairs.

Yay for Ziggy! Fingers crossed he keeps doing so well:D

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Karen Dadisman, I'm not living in a dream.

It's possible, I've seen crazy things happen and it's deffinately not impossible.

If you kick a dog dead on with force in it's snout, it's going to back off.

For the last comment: no one on here was being rude. There's no need for you to start.

The video is actually a GREAT example. If that man can do it with SIXTEEN dogs, I can do it with ONE. I am not interperting this video in a dangerous way. I have already been planning on training him to walk off leash, it's not like I saw that video and was said, "Omg that's so cool, I want to do that!" It was one of the first things I researched when I was looking for puppy training, when I was going to be getting a pup and not an adult dog.

I'm with you Karen. Leashes are good. Supposing a big mean dog comes around the corner? That happened to me once and my dog is so friendly and ran right up to it. The owner freaked trying to keep her dog from chewing my dog's head off. You might trust your dog and he might trust you, but you can't predict any other animal's nature or whereabouts. It's your job to be the intelligent human and protect your dog.

Leashes ARE good. But they're not a necessity at all times.

1) The dogs in my apartment complex have to have a well behaved temperment.

2) I've already put myself between a dog that charged Ziggy and I, holding her back by her chest. Had she been a threat, (which she wasn't she turned out nice,) and bit me, in which case I would pull back, I would have kicked her in her face. Wouldn't have liked it, but she would have gotten the hint, and if it comes down to Ziggy's safety, I would do it.

3) Ziggy does not approach strange dogs, he sticks closer to me when they are around, he doesn't trust them unless I pet them and stuff, after they've sniffed and met.

4) Just because you walk your dog off leash, does not mean you aren't intelligent. Did dogs have leashes in the wild? Noooooooooope. I can protect him just as well from another animal without the leash, especially since even if Ziggy did like other dogs, I wouldn't have him off leash until he had enough manners to know you don't run around getting in other people's faces, because nice or not, it's just plain rude.

Good luck with that.

Well thank you:)

What a precious photo of your kitty and Ziggy!!!!  love it :)

Yes, they have been sleeping on the bed together still with no issues, it's very nice:D

It makes me happy that they can indeed get along, it made me sad to kick him off the bed, the first time he looked at me like, "...MOM! NO!" and hopped back up, that happened twice then I added "STAY." and he gave me this look like, "But I love you.. and the bed.." super pathetic, it was very cute, and plopped down on the floor haha.

Good job on the training! 

I think perhaps people should relax a little about the leash;  if the nearest spot where the dog could possibly get away is 150 feet and it's more or less an enclosed space, it's probably safe.   Goodness.  I grew up with hunting dogs.  Dogs don't hunt on leash.  I've certainly let my own dogs off leash 150 feet away from a road.  We hike off-leash on a regular basis, there is a large unfenced quiet area of a nearby park where all the dogs play.  

Thank you:)

And thank you again.. I have seen people on here have their dogs offleash, it's as though if you don't speak of it, it's okay to do; but bring it up and you're getting sarcastic remarks and being told how wrong you are, or maybe I'm just special lol.

What gets me about this is that I've gotten rude comments. This is a friendly community, for the most part, but wow.

Thank you again.

Kymii, I don't think people mean to be rude or sarcastic to you.  I think people like and want to help you and avoid you the heartbreak of something going wrong.  It's true that many here have their dogs off leash in a variety of circumstances, but you just recently adopted Ziggy ( Feb.8 ) and say, in your profile, he is 4 yrs old and you know little of his past beyond the fact that you're his 4th home. You say you want to be his forever mommy and we are trying to help you achieve that.  We know you love your animals and are well intended.

Anna, I don't think Kymii was upset or thought it rude that anyone raised the issue of a leash.  But to be fair, after she had already said " our apartments are very large, and our particular building is closed off, wrapped around by other buildings and a fence"  AND then clarified to say the only escape route is about a driveway wide and 150 feet to the street, AND that it's only at night and it's very quiet that late, people persisted in insisting that the only responsible thing was a leash. 

None of us is there.  None of us can see the set-up.  It sounds to me like a mostly enclosed courtyard area.   

Honestly I first read the thread when it was already about a dozen responses long and my initial thought was "wow people are really piling on over a minor thing" and I was not the author.

You can go over to Patricia McConnell's blog and read about her training her new puppies and her rescued mill dog to respect the property line (off-leash) of her farm which is bordered by a busy road. Certainly it's something that is done.

Leashes are a necessity around traffic, I totally agree.  But in an almost completely enclosed courtyard after midnight when all is quiet, and the only escape route is narrow and 150 feet away, I just think the responses were perhaps a bit heavy.  Certainly the response about a cape and tights was over-the-top.   If people have concerns they can raise the issue, but then really it's up to Kymii to decide.


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