Hey everyone, I'm worried for Grover! He went to doggy daycare yesterday and came back limping! I asked when I picked him up and they said that they hadn't noticed it until just then and I do trust this place. They are usually really Great with Grover and he is one of the ladies favorites so he gets lots of extra attention when he's there. So I'm sure if anything serious had happened to injure his leg, she would have told me about it.
He limped one other time, about 5 months ago. Then he just developed a bit of limp and I took him to the vet and said he thought he might have pulled a muscle and put him on some sort of puppy ibuprophen (I think, I have the empty bottle someplace). It cleared up and he was fine.
However, I have noticed, off and on that he will limp on his back right leg. It usually is after a very serious romp with another dog and seems to last just a minute or so and he's back to normal.
I haven't taken him to the vet yet, but I plan to tomorrow morning. The limp was worse yesterday than today and he doesn't act as though it hurts, even when I rub his leg or move his leg around.
What do you guys think? Husband said he (joking!!!) that he thought he was doing it for attention because he didn't do it when I wasn't in the room!!
Seriously though, could he have pulled something again? He was a pup last time this happened, so I contributed that to puppyhood. Thoughts?