Has anyone ever done this to their Corgi?

We are seriously considering it as Colbert has super thick corgi fur and we live in grotesquely humid Charleston, South Carolina.

He already has a deviated septum which results in him clicking while panting and we would like for him to not get heat exhaustion or heat stroke because he loves to keep up with our chowbrador and aussie cattle dog while playing hardcore fetch.

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i giggled like a little girl seeing that.
Please do not shave your corgi or give it a lion cut!!! The corgi coat protects them both from the heat and the cold. Without any fur they are going to get sunburn if you dont use sunscreen on them. I would seriously rethink getting rid of your corgis fur.
Here's a link to another grooming thread:
I agree with Natalie! You never want to shave a corgi's fur. It will take a long time to grow back right, if ever. The double coat is very protective in both heat and cold.
Just give him more water or icecube.  Do not stay outdoor under the sun over a long period.
Hand-feeding mountain snow works great. If dogs eats it eagerly, that indicates how hot they are.
Our mountain trails above timberline can be very hot in summer.
I never recommend shaving a corgi unless there is a medical condition that requires it. Their coat is built to protect them not only from the cold, but the heat, sun, and insects. It's an insulation. I would instead recommend regular brushing to keep the coat in order so it can do its job to protect your corgi. =3
Oh we definitely brush him, I am threatening to save all his fur and make an afghan out of it.

I hadn't thought bout sunburn

and we are definitely NOT show people so it wouldn't matter to us if his coat grew back weird, and I highly doubt it wouldn't grow back, this is a yearly process with the fluff monster.

Maddy your reply didn't show up at all try using a different font.

Thanks for all of your input!
If you are going to be in the sun a lot or have a lot of bugs it is a bad idea to shave your corgi. Their under coat is mean to protect them from quite a number of things. If you need to cool your corgi off quick or while playing outside the best way, as John Wollf has mentioned many times, is to pour water over their belly.
How about a cool vest or a cool collar. Here is a site www.koolcollarstore.com I wouldn't shave. If dogs could talk, the pom with the lion cut, would have said one thing or two to the owners. LOL
I actually wondered if these actually worked since they cool off through their ears, feet and tongue mostly. Any experience?
Here's my two cents as a former groomer: Don't shave!
It's difficult for us as humans to get the concept that dogs do not release heat from their skin in the same way we do. As mentioned very concisely in previous posts, corgis have their double coat for a reason. It serves as both insulation and shade. If anything, a shaved dog overheats faster in direct sunlight because the rays normally shielded by the coat are in direct contact with the skin. Think of baking a pie crust: a thin covering of foil keeps the edges from burning in a hot oven, while uncovered dough baking for the same amount of time gets blackened.
I hope the image of a corgi eating a pie didn't just pop into your head like it did mine...
Seriously, any cooling benefit from removing the fur would be negated by the effects of sun exposure including sunburn and bug bites. Inside, your dog should be pretty comfortable with the temperature that you are. On long walks or play sessions, cooling collars work well. My girls are on the small side, so for me a normal bandanna, soaked in water and put in the freezer works just as well for walks. I assumed from your post that you're mostly concerned with outdoor heat while playing. Just getting the fur wet, even on the belly, helps dissipate any heat absorbed by the coat. If your little man likes playing in water, a kiddie pool is a cheap and fun solution.
I know that you aren't show people, but the return growth after the shave isn't only a cosmetic concern. If you think his shedding is bad now, imagine a constant cycle of shorter hairs growing in all directions and shedding constantly in an effort to get back to a natural state. I've seen it in huskies and German shepherds whose owners insisted on shaving. Mats, dandruff, texture and sometimes color changes. If you're lucky the coat will just end up with even more undercoat when it grows back. Most people who do this end up keeping their dogs clipped all the time rather than deal with the "side effects" when the coat comes back, which defeats the purpose of a beautiful corgi coat.
As far as looks go, a lion cut is HIDEOUS on a corgi. They do not have the body type or facial features to pull it off, and their fur is all wrong. Instead of a puffy lion mane, you get a giant furry bobblehead stuck on a hot dog! I used to get request to do lion cuts on all kinds of dogs from wheaton terriers to Bernese mountain dogs, and it only works well on a few specific breeds. If you insist on it, your groomer will probably lump you in the same category of people who want their dogs to have a pink Mohawk. You seem like a conscientious owner just trying to keep your little fella comfortable, so don't make him look ridiculous in the process. If you still consider shaving, I'd recommend shaving to no shorter than 3/4 inch, not the close shave of the lion cut.
Sorry about writing a whole book here, but I spent many summers shaving dogs who didn't need it and talking to well-meaning but misinformed owners. The simplest advice is the best; keep brushing his coat, have cool water handy, avoid blazing pavement, give him breaks and shade, and keep an eye on his panting. If you know he's hot, a short break and some water will cool him down better than a shave will. Keep playing and have fun. Hope this was useful!
-O'Ryan, Banjo and Starbuck's mom


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