To all our dear friends - I wanted to let you know that we had to let our little boy Remy go on December 28, 2010.


He woke up Christmas morning and was very sick - he did not eat, drink or move all day.   We thought it might be something he ate but started looking and acting better on Sunday.  By Tuesday we could tell there was something wrong and took him to his vet, Dr. Craig Meyer of Lake Travis Animal Hospital .    Dr. Meyer is the best vet we EVER had.   He would spend up to 2 hours with us during an appointment when we were trying to figure out why Remy was having trouble walking when his DM started.   He spent 2 hours yesterday with us making sure we were not overlooking any possibilty that could help Remy.   I know some might say it's because he's charging by the hour - but that's not the case - he really cares about his furry patients and the people who love them!


Dr. Meyer said that sometime in the past few months, Remy had developed a tumor that developed very aggressively.  Dr. Meyer said that it was to the point now that it was pressing on his bladder and that was why he was having trouble.   He said that he had less than a week and was concerned because if the tumor ruptured, he would bleed to death and it would be very painful.    We always thought the DM that caused his lower spine and back legs not to work would be what he would succumb to.  Just last week Remy and I were out on the back deck playing ball and he was running around chasing the ball in his cart - so happy to be outside playing in the warm weather.


We kept him that night and in the morning took him to let Dr. Meyer put him to sleep.   Dr. Meyer offered to come to the house but could not do that until later in the day.   Remy did not look good this morning and we could see he was telling us it was time.


As you know, Remy was "our little boy".   We always knew this day would come and when it did, it would be very hard on both of us.   It's worse than I thought.   We miss him terribly, but know we did the right thing so that he did not suffer.


Alot of people would say "he's just a dog" but he wasn't that to us.


Our house is very quiet and it does not feel right to not have him here.


Thanks for being a part of his happy life!


Karen, Rob & Remy Martin of Travis, the Sweetest Pea in the Pod!


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We are very sad to hear this news.  We will remember Remy fondly as the happy boy who always looked so handsome in his pictures.  He had beautiful, bright eyes and a happy smile wherever he went.  His special-ness really shone through.  All our love during this difficult time. 
Thanks Joanna - He was a special boy and it's nice to hear that even someone who did not meet him personally could see his BIG personality in his photos.   I thought it was just a "mom's prejudice".   You have always been so kind in posting comments to Remy's photos on the MyCorgi page.   Give Rainy and Calvin a big hug, scratch and treat from Angel Remy tonight!
So sorry for your loss. i don't think anybody on this site would say "he's just a dog". We all understand that our pets are like our children and losing them is like losing a part of you. We had a similar experience with our German Shepherd a few years ago. She was happily running and playing one day, and had collapsed the next and was diagnosed with a tumor in her spleen. She too was only given a week, and we decided to put her down within a few days. Its a very hard decision to make, but in the end its the last gift we can give them. Our thoughts are with you.
Thanks Melissa - I LOVE Franklin's profile photo - that big Corgi smile is so precious!   You can't have a bad day when you see that smile!   We miss Remy terribly but are glad he is in a good place and waiting for us when we get there.   Give that precious Franklin a big hug, kiss, scratch and treat tonight from Angel Remy!
So sorry for your loss!  Our thoughts and prayers go out to you!  Hugs from us all () Bucher, Sally & Lynne
Thanks Lynne - We miss him terribly but know he's in a better place and is waiting for us when we get there!   Give Bucher and Sally an extra hug and scratch tonight from Remy!
Oh my, we are so sorry for the loss of your darling Remy.  We all must have such brave hearts to navigate through such difficult times in our lives.   Sending you all love, light and joy in remembering what a special delight it was to have Remi be part of your family during his time on earth. ♥

Judy - thanks for sending that link.

A few weeks ago, Rob was outside putting up the Christmas lights and I was inside baking my traditional Holiday Rum Cakes and this song came on.   I said to Remy, "Hey this is a song about you" and he and I danced in the living room.

Listen to this and see if this is not a perfect song about life with our puppies!

A Lovely Day - by Bill Withers

We are very sorry for your loss. We lost our girl 3 weeks ago. One of the most difficult times of our lives. We are not even close to being over it yet. But, on Christmas eve, we got a new little girl that is adorable! We'll put pics up soon. I hope that you find a sweet little corgi soon that will give you many years of joy and love!!! Colin & Melanie

So sorry to hear about Gwen.   I'll send you the same post I sent to another member of the site.


A few weeks ago, Rob was outside putting up the Christmas lights and I was inside baking my traditional Holiday Rum Cakes and this song came on.   I said to Remy, "Hey this is a song about you" and he and I danced in the living room.

Listen to this and see if this is not a perfect song about life with our puppies!


A Lovely Day - by Bill Withers

So sorry for your loss, and the fact he got sick on Christmas must have made this a tough holiday for you. Loving and being loved is the greatest thing anyone can hope for in life, and Remy had that with you.

May you find peace one day in your memories.
So sorry for your loss of your beloved Remy.


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