THE cutest thing ever!!!

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That is pretty sweet lookin :) Thanks for sharing!
That is so awesome, I want one!!!
I think you need one of these too (I have one!) - scroll down to see PWC mailbox! I had one painted to look just like my Tri!
That is too awesome. I want one!!!
Cool Krystal!
Thats very cute!
That's too cute!! I want one!! I want the mailbox too! LOL Cafepress has alot of cute corgi stuff too! Wish I was rich! My sister in law got the cutest corgi cookie jar for Christmas! I'm so jealous!!
An "...ergonomic dining experience..."!?
For creatures who happily snack out of the catbox?
Whoever thought that one up could apply for a job at the Ministry of Truth.

In our house, an ergonomic dining experience is accidentally dropping a fragment of food off the kitchen counter. It never even hits the floor, even if the dog was asleep on the sofa when its mysterious sensors detected the gravitational acceleration of an edible object with a mass over 1 gram.

Aw, just hurry up with that meal, wouldja?

I sheepishly admit that our dogs' waterbowl, for reasons unknown, rests upon a genuine linen tablecloth. I am not making this up.
"In our house, an ergonomic dining experience is accidentally dropping a fragment of food off the kitchen counter. It never even hits the floor, even if the dog was asleep on the sofa when its mysterious sensors detected the gravitational acceleration of an edible object with a mass over 1 gram."

Oh my gosh, how do you come up with this??? It's hysterical! And oh so true.
That is pretty cool!

Oh the things we do for our corgis.

I'll have to show my father. He likes to do carving and woodworking, maybe he can make some stuff for me now that he is retired. >:)
Cute! But $195? Holy wow!!


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