Robin or Monty Staley
31220 Sr 62
Duette, FL 33834
Ph: (941) 344-55035

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Robin and Monty Staley have wonderful Corgis, the puppies live with the family on a beautiful farm and they only do one litter at a time. They are a great family and great breeders. The puppies run around $600 and they allow a 72 hour period for you to get the dog checked out by your vet which is great, most other breeders we talked to only allowed 48 hours. They do not like to ship their puppies, though; too much stress on the puppies and they also like to meet the families the dogs will be going to. I would recommend them to anyone, they were very helpful, kind, and love their dogs.

We got our baby Kirby from them and have been so happy with him. This was our first time buying a puppy (or even getting to see Corgi puppies in person!) and I couldn't have asked to meet better breeders. We will probably get Kirby a companion from them the next time they have a litter.

P.S. Duette is out in the country; it is not far outside Bradenton.
They are also listed on Free Dog Listings and can be contacted through this site:
Update! If anyone in the area is looking for a puppy this breeder just had a litter at the beginning of December and is also considering dropping their prices a bit due to the economy. If you are looking for a new Corgi, please contact them for pics and info on the new litter!


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