I am becoming more and more in favor of holistic animal care or "natural rearing." I started out making small changes, a holistic kibble, adding enzymes and antioxidants, etc. I now am feeding a grain-free holistic kibble (raw food about 20% of their diet due to cost and availability in my area), as well as adding in probiotics, etc. My Corgi's allergies are now non-existent (they were not very bad to begin with) and my Aussie's as drastically reduced. What's more, my Aussie who used to pick up every little virus everywhere he went, has not had one problem (*knock on wood*) since I have made these changes. I attribute this to his immune system functioning better (and I truly believe it was functioning at at reduced capacity before thanks to the vet that prescribed him antibiotics 4 times in 6 months).

I have also been doing a lot of research into the minimal vaccine schedule. In fact, a lot of holistic breeders don't use any vaccines, or use nosodes instead, and say their dogs fight off illness better than vaccinated dogs. I can believe it, but I am hesitant to take such a big leap. I am interested in hearing from anyone on this site that has chosen to responsibly not vaccinate or operate by the minimal vaccine schedule that Dr Jean Dodds set forth. Specifically, have you run into any problems attending classes at your local dog training clubs, going to day care, entering trials, etc?

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Yes Joanna, you are of course right that vaccine companies do short-term studies all the time. I guess I wasn't clear and was referring to the ethical implications of the longer-term studies you mentioned!

I am hopeful too that we will find out rabies needs to be given less frequently, and this is one that many animals do react to, to a greater or lesser degree.

In human studies, they then move from the small control groups to bigger longitudinal outcome studies using large numbers of people, but that as you point out is very expensive and difficult to find funding for when it comes to dogs.


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