Did any of you notice muscle loss after the dog had ACL surgery? It's only been two weeks since surgery and she's lost a lot of muscle in that leg. We are walking her three times a day for five minutes to gain muscle and strength. Keep in mind her main leg being used also has a ACL tear.

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Sorry You are going thru the rehab mode right now.Our Merlin had 2 surgeries,one on each hind leg,within 6 weeks of each other.Our vet had Us massage and work his joints gradually increasing the time after the first week or so.Then slowly add walking,longer and longer distances and making figure 8's until after 2 months,We were walking him around the block and it all progressed great from there!He's doing awesome now,2 years later.He'll have his 4th birthday if July.We just got back from an RV trip along the local ricer/west coast beach area and he swam all the time like always :)!Good luck!!
Sammie will be having her second surgery on the next leg pretty soon. If you don't mind me asking which surgery your pup had on both legs? Sammie got the fishline surgery.
Merlin also had the "fish line" done on both.The second one,his leg wouldn't lay flat for 3 days.Really scared Me!I called Our vet to ask about it.He let Me know he put a larger dog fish line in the second one to keep it really strong and was a little less flexible for the first week.All is well now .Hope all goes smoothly for Sammie :)!

Yes...this is completely normal and to be expected.  This is why rehab is so important.  I took Seanna to a rehab vet, and i can send you the exercises she gave us to do if you want.  I know you're short on money...

I would love if you could send me those exercises. My email is beppies_03@yahoo.com!!!!

Just sent them to you.  There are a few transcripts from her visits on there, that have exercises too.  You need to start with the beginning ones, and work your way up from there according to the time schedule in weeks.  Don't do too much too soon.  Keep me informed how you're doing!

Jennifer M:So great You passed on the exercises to use for Sammie :).Truth be told,I shredded all Merlin's rehab list in celebration after he made it thru.Sounds lousy now.I could've passed them on too.Way to go,Jennifer!


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