I feel like the worst doggie parent ever. TT_TT I took Winston to get his rabies vaccine, his microchip, and his neuter surgery on Friday. I promised him everything would be okay, but really I think it was only me worried for him. He had to be at the vet's office by 9am and he couldn't eat after midnight, so he was a little upset he missed breakfast lol. Anyhow, I brought him in and dropped him off. I spoke with the vet receptionist for a little bit and she reassured me he would be fine. Which I figured, but was just being overly protective. He's my baby, after all. I mean, I've never heard of dogs or cats having complications from being spayed or neutered.
So at noon, I called to check up on Winston and they said he would be ready to go home at 4. When I came to pick him up, they gave me a cone and told me he had been chewing/licking at his stitches so he needed to wear it. And they sent me home with Amoxicillan (sp?) and some sort of pain killer, which I've been giving him twice a day as instructed. He hates the cone. It makes me feel really bad, but the few seconds I took it off, he was trying to lick himself. -_- He won't walk around or even move with it on though, I feel so bad for him. I have to admit though, I can't help but laugh when he bumps into the wall and coffee table... ^_^;; It was funny watching him fight with the wall for a few minutes.
Anyhow, this morning I looked at his stitches because he was whining a lot after he ate and went potty. They looked really funky and we noticed he had funk/blood or something dried to the inside of his hind leg thigh. I panicked and called our vet, which is supposedly an animal hospital, but all I got was an answering machine. They had no emergency number to call. I was so upset and worried so I called Banfield and drove over there. Their vet checked him over and told me his stitches were infected and he had an abscess. The vet also said that they wanted to switch him to a different antibiotic, something like Clavix or like that. Well, they left the room and a few minutes later came back with what they wanted to do. Some sort of surgery to relieve the abscess and redo his stitches. All in all, they said it was going to cost $460! So I asked if they had a payment plan, which they don't. The only thing they could offer was applying for a credit card through them, which I know I wouldn't get. So I resolved to take him back to our original vet tomorrow. But I'm really worried about Winston.
He seems okay, I mean he's still acting relatively normal, considering the cone. He's gotten to where he'll walk around a bit and glare at me every so often. He really hates it, I guess. I'm wondering if anyone knows how I can talk to my vet about this. I mean, I really cannot afford another procedure. We just paid for his surgery and microchip, which came out to $225. I just really feel bad. I promised Winston he'd be okay but he isn't! I guess mainly I am really angry with my vet. Unjustified as that seems, I trusted them to take care of Winston. I think I'm really mad about how I couldn't get ahold of them during the weekend and how there isn't an emergency line for things like this. Am I just overreacting?