Yesterday I took Tomahawk in to have him neutered,  and so far everything seems to be going alright, but I have a question regarding the procedure.

I was looking online to see if there was more than one way to neuter a canine and read that for the most part, an incision is made near the base of the penis above the scrotum and the testes are removed from there.

Seems pretty simple, but Tomahawk's incision is underneath his scrotum. The previous dog I had neutered had the incision site as the one stated above so I began to wonder whether they did something different to Tomahawk. A few searches online showed that the incision at the bottom of the scrotum can happen when a vasectomy has been done.

I am wondering that hopefully one of you guys know if this is the case because if it is, I need to talk with the vet that did the procedure on Tomahawk.

I wanted him desexed so I wouldn't contribute to the pet population, but I was hoping the removal of his testes would help curve some of his dominant behaviors. If he was given a vasectomy, he would still have his testes and will continue to have the issues that arise with an intact male.

So if anyone can help me out in clarifying this before I go postal on the vet, I would appreciate it GREATLY!!!

Just a side-note, I didn't have to pay anything for Tomahawk's desexing surgery so I don't want to come off as unappreciative. I figured venting to you guys first would be my best option to help ease my mind before I say anything rash.

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I would simply ask calmly and politely.   I would open with "I noticed the incision site seemed different compared to the previous dog I owned.  Can you tell me about the surgery?"  and then base your response on what they say.

There are different ways to neuter a dog. Some doctors prefer the incision be at the base of the penis, some will go right into the scrotum, and some go below. Its generally just a doctor preference. At school we never did the incision at the base of the penis because the doctor who did the surgeries said in his experience it tends to be more irritating for the dog. In the US I think you will rarely, if ever, see a vasectomy performed on a dog vs an orchidectomy (removal of the testicles). An easy way to tell is just feel the scrotum. You will feel the testes if they are still there.

I sure hope that's the case lol. I was hoping neutering Tomahawk would kind of help with his behavior. His testicles are still super swollen and red so I don't think he will let me pat them down just yet. I feel kind of bad for him, he's walking around like an old man. I'm happy that they at least gave me some pain medication to give him for the next couple of days. They didn't when my other dog Ari had his procedure done. Either way, I figure I will talk to them on Monday since I have to go back and have them check Tom's sutures and see whether he is healing like he should. Thanks for the input, I feel a whole lot better now!


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