We just got a new baby in our house...Ichigo...Ichi for short. He is super sweet and laid back. Thankfully Nana our other baby has taken a liking to him. Ichi is a pruebred Pembroke. Sometimes when he walks he does this cross step with his back legs. Has anyone else seen this in their dogs?
The other thing he does is drag his back legs when sitting to move short distances, instead of standing up to a full position. it reminds me of a doggie version of a Navy seal crawl. Should we be comcerned about this?

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When they drag their butt on the ground, they have to go poo. Mine did this the second day we got her since she would not go the first day. We took her out right away and she went! Not sure about the cross step with back legs.
I thought that too but he's not dragging his butt. He's just not using his back legs. He will lay down and then 15 minutes later drag himself (literally) to a new place on the floor.
That really doesn't sound good I would take him to a vet as soon as possible.
I agree with Chelsey. You should take him to the vet. None of my dogs have done these behaviors. I hope it isn't serious, but I'm of the school of "It's better safe than sorry."
It could be an infection in the anal gland. I would maybe go to the vet to get it checked out.
He's around two years old. He has a vet appointment tommorrow. We got him today but we are out of town. I hope that it isn't anything too serious. Will update tommorrow and add pictures.
I dont think its going to be anything too serious.
neeka "crawled" she did it until she was about a year old, i just thought she was either, lazy, the cool floor felt good on her belly or her legs were asleep (haha i don't even know if that is possible) or maybe her belly was itchy. i never worried about it, i thought it was cute. although im not sure if its the same thing your pup is doing. it was basically her laying on her belly and dragging herself with her front legs to a new spot. she hasn't done it since we moved into our new place with carpet she always did it on our hardwood or tile (which was always cold and she loved sleeping on)
Oh my gosh, my Bruce does that belly crawl!
He's a corgi mix and 14 years old. He's done it ever since we rescued him 4 years ago. He's got zero hip, back or leg problems; I think he does this to get me to laugh! He's always grinning at me when he does it. I have a name for it..."Carpet Shark". He has boundless energy, especially concerning his age, and can walk for miles with no ill effects. I'd be interested to hear what the vet says about it.
Wow!! Lola does this also haha =) Only on the hard wood though because its easier for her to slide her back legs around. She always does it after we go for a walk, or play so maybe she's just too tired.
I'm going with the Take to Vet!
sounds like it could be a hip problem...what did the vet say?


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