I was walking Vivi in the park this morning, and I found a pair of adorable black and white kittens. They were obviously abandoned, with no mom in sight. It was a huge ordeal getting them back home since I don't have the car or a small enough kennel, but I was able to carry the squirmy kittens all the way home. One of them is very skinny, and the other is better looking. I gave them a little bit of milk since they seem young enough, and the skinny one just lapped it up. I also gave them some plain water, and some dog food mixed with water. Is this okay for them for now? Of course I will buy some kitten food once my husband comes home with the car.
Also, is anyone in the Phoenix area looking for some kittens? They're so cute, and actually seem well socialized with people. Dogs.. not so much. One of them freaked out when I took it near Vivi to try to take it home. I had to take Vivi all the way home, then go and get the kitties. One of them is more timid but still sweet, and the other is always purring and cuddling.
This is the one that is more laid back and calm.

This is the purring cuddler who can't stay still, lol.