not really sure whats going on?! please advice!! maybe a UTI??

ok so yesterday was teddy's birthday and to celebrate he got a long walk and got to chase the pidgins lol i made him a cake and he ate all of it. now i expected some runny poop but i did not expect this..

so this morning it just hit 8 am and i feel something jump on my back and it was teddy! mind you i locked his crate before bed but some how he got out of it??? as he is laying there with me and i am petting him he starts peeing all over. i hurry and throw cloths on and rush him outside. he pees 3times and poops twice. i wasn't mad he peed on the bed because i figured at least he let us know he had to go but just couldn't hold it. so i feed him and in about an hour he asks to go out again. poops again but walks around and is peeing just droplets around the yard. teddy has done this before because he doesn't want have to go poop to fool me to let him in. so not even a min of bringing him in he asks to go out again. pees droplets all over the yard and comes back in. another hour later pees and poops again.

but just now he was laying on the couch and we were playing with the new toy he just got and he slides off the couch and i see a small puddle on the couch. at first i thought it was drool but no it was pee.

im not  really getting why this would happen all of a sudden, it sounds like a UTI but we dont get paid until Tuesday and even then im not sure if we could afford to take him to the vet, is there anything i could buy or remedy i could try? normally this wouldn't be a problem but since we moved here our pay went from $1,600 to $700

is it just form having to go so bad that his bladder needs to calm down? hes acting normal and drinking/eating/playing find. is its just an effect from the cake?? 

i still wanna know how he got out of his crate, i looked all over it and still have no idea how he did it lol mr. hudinea 

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Thanks Rebecca, how long are Teddy's walk at 9 and 3, where do they take place? Could it be possible that he might have licked / ingested something along the way?

Sounds like you've ruled out everything and the combo of smoked turkey (irritating pepper) & Cake makes the most sense. You can use a regular child rectal thermometer, there are digital ones for like $9. Dab a little Vaseline to the bulb, insert about 1 inch deep, 2 mins for a regular mercury thermometer or until it beeps for a digital one.

Glad to hear Teddy is doing better :)
thank you Sam:) it was such a relief to find no accidents and it has been about 4hours now and hes playing with his toys happily but i will be taking him out soon.

his walks in the morning, since it has gotten cold is about 45mins. at 3 it can be from30mins-1hr. i have caught him eating bird poop once but yesterday i caught him before he did eat it. he could of though. would geese poop cause something like this?
If your husband is in the military you should be able to take Teddy to the base vet. If your installations doesn't have a vet, you should be able to take him to any branch of the military vet. The vet services are provided at lowered prices for active duty and retired. I know how worried you are. I've had my dear corgi 7 years, and we've weathered a few storms too. good luck
thank you:) we do have a vet on base and they can be cheaper but the problem with these vets is its so hard to get in because everyone wants to take there pets to vet on base. one time i tried make an appointment on the 5th of November and couldn't get in until the 30th of this month:(


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