hi everyone i just have to know, does anyone elses corgi absolutely LOVE tug of war? me and my husband are now getting a bit tired of tug of war lol but that is all teddy wants to play. all day every day. he will bring all of his rope toys to me and my husband, put them in your lap and wait until he grab it. it can be up to 20minds before he will leave. we usually knock then off and say "no, we dont want to play" but he will just wait a bit and continue to do this. when u do play he is absolutely serious! his eyes get wide and he barks and growls and his jaw will quiver and his teeth will start to bleed. but it doesnt matter to him as he wants to play so bad. 


someone once said hes trying establish his dominance but i doubt that because he knows that i am the pack leader and wont dare go out of line. he wont even eat his food unless i say ok. my husband plays ruff with him and sometimes in the middle of it i will let him chase me. he is very fast and strong with this game. he likes fetch but this is all he ever wants to play. even with tennis balls! 


the funny thing is i remember trying to teach him this when he was a small pup lol now i regret it! 


so does anyone elses corgi love tug of war this much? 

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Both of mine love tug-o-war. Maxi more than Molly. If they aren't playing with each other ( Molly tends to get selfish) they want us to play. Now we just kinda hold on to one end and let them tug. We even have 3 way tug once in a while
Hmm....I have a similar issue with fetch. I taught Oliver how to play that game...and now...it never ends unless I end it. :)

Both of our dogs love tug too.  Here's my secret - Go find the biggest, steepest nearby hill to play fetch on.  It cuts fetch down to about 20min because it's an aweful lot of work for them.  Mine come home and take big long naps afterward.  Good luck!

thank you katie. it is unfortunate that here in DC there is no hills here:( but that sounds like a wonderful idea!
Perhaps your dog thinks that tug of war is his "job". Maybe if he is also food oriented you can get him one of those thinker toys with the hidden food and it will at least occupy him some of the time.
o i do:) i have 3 kong toys that i always put food in but i also have a tug a jug which is his favorite toy of all time! lol i put his break fast in that and it takes him an hour to get a cup of food out. if he is still bored i give him roasted bones or put chicken and cheese in his kong around lunch time. when i give him one of those he loves to take his time and enjoy the entertainment of getting the food out
Noodles is obsessed with tug-of-war and he can play it for up to an hour straight. His favorite tug toy would be his rings and we have to buy a new set of rings every year for his birthday because we always break them. He received 5 new tug toys this year for Christmas, so we have been rotating each one of them in order to give his rings a break. Man can he pull! If I'm (mommy) not prepared to play tug-of-war with him, he can pull me right off the couch. I agree with what others have said, we (daddy mainly, but mommy helped) taught him how to do this and now he LOVES it. Thankfully he will listen if we tell him "No" and go find something else to do, but neither one of us really mind playing this with him. He cracks us up because he will growl at us and shake his head back and forth like he is very serious, but his little nub shakes the whole entire time. Once he starts drooling and foaming at the mouth, we have him take a water break, but then he will be right back to playing. I like to say it gives me a good arm workout!


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