Monty & I are heading to the Outer Banks (Duck) in a couple of weeks and staying in a pet friendly house. The beach there is dog friendly as is the town so I am excited about that because Monty loves the water and going "shopping".  However, I wanted to see if anyone else has taken their Corgi to OBX and if there were any other activities you did with your pup. Unfortunately due to the heat outside time is limited but I want to make the most of it. 

Also, we definitely need doggie sunscreen...anyone have any suggestions?

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Awesome :) My Vet recommend baby sunscreen, fragrance free, waterproof ones.

My sister in law is a chemist who used to work for banana boat as a QC (the person who deals with the FDA), she said there are two types of protection: Sunscreen and Sunblock.

Sunscreens absorb and deflect the sun's rays through a chemical reaction.

Sunblock contain titanium dioxide or zinc oxide lie on top of the skin, reflecting UV rays before they cause damage.

Most people recommend Sunblock with titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, I like to stay away from products micronized by nanotechnology, or contain PABA, Benzophenone, Parabens, Padimate-O and Parsol 1789.
Hi! We go to the Outer Banks (Hatteras) but NanMom takes us in March. There are not many people down on the beach at that time of year so we are able to run, dig and play on the shore.

We always played early in the day, took our naps in the heat of the afternoon and lots of walkies in the evening. We are also very lucky to have a place that will let all three of us corgis stay for two weeks and our corgi friends come to visit, too! Have fun (and don't forget your bottled water!) All the best from Williamsburg, VA: Bear, Tasha and Linus
I'm taking my pups to the beach this summer too. How do you apply the sunscreen and where. Doesn't their fur protect them?
You want to apply on the nose region (thin hair pink area), inner ear (pink area), belly, groin, and inside of the legs. UV rays can bounce off snow, sand, sidewalk, water...etc. Typical signs of sunburn are red skin, blisters, peeling skin and soreness.
This is what sunburn looks like on a dog.
I live an hour from OBX and yet I've never been. The whole place is dog friendly, you say? Why, that's excellent.
I think the beach, shopping, and other dogs ought to keep him entertained! I wish I knew more. Maybe there's a dog park you can go to?
Hi Rachael,
If you live an hour away you should really check it out with your doggies in the off-season Sept-May. Each beach has different rules, Duck being one of the friendliest. I think there is a park in duck too though not an off-leash area but maybe we will make some friends. I am also going to call some kayak companies and see if they will let me bring him. We used to paddle and he loved it but I had to sell my kayak so we don't anymore. Hopefully they will let me if it is early in the morning.
Let me know if you want to meet up one day in Duck to check it out with a fellow Corgi:-)
HI Laura,
there is information on the outer banks tourism sites. I know in Duck there is one that even has doggie shop "Outer Barks"-can't wait to hit that one. You also need to check the leash laws as each town has different rules. i don't remember about Kill Devil Hills, I think they have limited times you can take them on the beaches-Not a big deal because it is too hot anyway during the day. I just looked up Jockey Ridge and they are allowed there on leash. If I find anymore things I will post them.
Have a great time.


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