Piper is 10 weeks old now and I have been having problems with her peeing in her crate EVERY night for the past 2 weeks now. I wake up around 7:30 every morning when I hear her whining and immediately take her out. I'm a very light sleeper so she doesn't cry for long at all before I hear her and get to her.

Also I take her water bowl up at around 9:30 and take her out one very last time before bed at around 12:30. I have her crate so that it is just small enough for her for potty training purposes and she STILL is peeing every morning. Does anyone know what I'm doin wrong here? I have fostered puppies in the past and as they got about this age at 10 weeks they were never having accidentS in their own crates. Any suggestions?? THANK YOUUUU!!!!

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She's still a very young puppy.. You may try waking up halfway through the night to an alarm and taking her out to potty:)

Hi Dayna, subdivide her crate with a piece of plywood, just enough so that she can stand up and turn around. If the accident continue, check for UTI.

I am not sure whether I have any specific suggestion, but just some of my experience...

When my pup was that young, I used to wake myself up like around 3-4 am just to take her for washroom. NO talking, no kissing, nothing but potty (You don't want to make her think there is a party time in the midnight), and then put her back to the crate right away WITHOUT petting, kissing etc. --- I think I stopped doing that when she was almost 16 weeks, but I will get up if I heard her move actively or barked for potty.(We sleep from 10:30 PM - 6:30AM) --- Whenever you do this, just keep in silence..

My pup has water all the time.But I don't use water bowl, I use the bottle so she drinks water slowly and won't have too much extra water in her stomach. I don't know whether it helps.

In addition, how is she doing daytime?

-You may have to wake up earlier like someone already said.

-Your dog just needs a bit more time than the ones you have had in the past.

-When she pees in her crate does she have enough room to sleep and not have the pee touch her? If so do like Sam said.

Good Luck :)

I had the same problem with my pup. From about 13-17 weeks I got up 4 hours after I put her to bed and let her pee. SHe went back int he crate for 4 more hours until I got up. Only the past two nights has she gone from 10:30-6:30. She is almost 18 weeks. I think Piper is still a little young and may need that 3am. potty break for a few weeks. 

Zorro had that problem too. We would always put these nice thick comfy blankets in there for him, but then when he peed it would be soaked up and so I don't think it would bother him as much as it should. Now I'm putting a thin towel in there for him (which usually gets pushed to one side of the kennel) so if he pees he will have to actually sit in it and I haven't had any problems with him since. Do you put a really nice blanket in there for her? Just a suggestion! Good luck!

I use to put a blanket in the crate also but noticed my puppy Tucker would push it to the side. It was actually making his tummy hotter --- he preferred the cool plastic bottom...just something to think about :)

At only 10 weeks old, I think expecting Piper to hold it for 7 hours is too much (remember the general rule of thumb: one hour for every month. So at 2.5 months old, Piper can probably only hold her pee for 2.5 to 3 hours). Taking away her water bowl away at 9:30 is a good start but I think you need to let her out during the night to go pee. When I first got my puppy, I set a baby monitor right next to his crate (you can probably pick one up for cheap at a yard sale or maybe even ask around friends or relatives if they have an old one kicking around that they dont' need anymore) and when I heard him start to whine a lot, I would get up and let him out. I probably let him out twice a night at first and by the time he hit 4 months, he was fine with holding it through the night.

Another piece of advice I remember Sam giving me was to be consistent. So put Piper into her crate for bed at the same time every night and let her back out in the morning at the same time every morning (no matter how tempted you are to sleep in during the weekend). This would be a tremendous help towards getting Piper potty trained.

You are expecting to much from a puppy that age.  At 10 weeks 3-4 hours is normal for holding it. Some do hold it longer and that is great but please don't stress yourself or her at this point. I don't take up the water bowl but some people do. I take my puppies out right before I go to bed at 11 and at least once before 4am if I am getting up around 7:30 until they can hold it. 

Unfortunately, by having her be in her crate longer than she could physically hold her urine at 8 wks of age and for two whole weeks, you unintentionally taught  her to relieve herself in the crate.... Follow the suggestions given by others here, make sure you have cleaned the crate well (use a dog formulated product or a  water and vinegar mix, and leave the crate out in the sun for awhile if you can) and you should have this turned around by 12-13 wks. 


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