I am new to this site.  My son will soon be picking up his new puppy of eight weeks.  He is purchasing her from a breeder in Southeast Missouri.  She has litters once, maybe twice a year.  Has four or five females.  Late this summer she had three litters from three beautiful females.  I believe she has two or three puppies still available.  All others have been sold.

We were recommended to her by someone we met in our area who purchased a Pembroke from her a little over a year ago.  A beautiful little girl she is, for sure.  Healthy, sleek and happy.

She has been sending my son a lot of helpful information about what to expect, vet appointments he should make, and updated photos regularly as Kallie grows.  She is six weeks old right now and he picks her up in two weeks.

Her website is:  http://www.home.earthlink.net/~lkfortin/

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This is who I got Seanna from!  She is great- answers all questions at any time, and was great to deal with.  I still keep in touch with her to let her know how Seanna is.  She cried when I left with her....she cares about her puppies.  I actually drove down there to get Seanna, and her kennel area was spotless, the dogs were very well taken care of, and very happy, loving corgis.  She did not make me sign a contract, which I've always wondered about, but I was happy with her.  Like I said, I still send her updates at least twice a year.  Who is the father?  They could be half-siblings!  Seanna's mom lost her next litter after Seanna and had to be spayed right away, but her dad is still going strong!

That is just so great to hear from someone else who has had a positive experience with Kallie's breeder.  Kevin is thinking of getting another a couple of years down the road and the more positives we hear, the better.

We are driving down to pick Kallie up next weekend.  About a five-hour drive to her, what appears to be a farm in many of her photos.  We wanted to meet Kathy rather than have her ship Kallie to us. 

Kallie's dad is Teddy.  Mother is Brooke. 

Brooke's litter was born August 22 so they would be seven weeks next weekend, I think Kathy got mixed up on how old they are :)  I noticed that on her Facebook page too, she posted a pic of one of Brooke's puppies and last week and said they were six weeks when they would have been five.

She was, at one point, a little off on how old Brooke's puppies are.  We pointed that out to her because she had told us they would be ready this weekend and we let her know we thought the soonest they might be ready is the weekend of the 13th.  They will be 7-1/2 weeks old at that point and that is when we are picking up Kallie.  We told her we would pick her up just a little early due to scheduling problems here, but only if she felt that Kallie was ready to go.  She said Kallie has been eating prepared foods for several weeks and that she thought Kallie would do fine at that age.  I have driven many clients to pick up their new puppies from different breeders, including one top notch Border Collie breeder in northern Illinois, and in most cases the puppies were just under eight weeks.  All have done great and most are around two or three years old now.

We have one of those snuggle puppies with the heartbeat for Kallie.  Hopefully she will adjust fine to being with Kevin.  He has been wanting a Corgi for years, so I hope it all works out for all involved.  Particularly Kallie and I know she will be properly trained and cuddled and loved by all around her.

I'll bet it has been hard keeping track of three litters born so close together............  :-)

Yeah that age is fine, was just making sure she was reminded how old they were ;)  Actually the two (possibly three, I don't remember) most well adjusted dogs I had were brought home at 7 weeks which was recommended by Wendy Volhard.  Two of them were Corgis, not the one I have now but two I had before him.  I will be picking mine up the day after she turns 8 weeks.

I forgot to tell you to send me a friend message...I have tons of pictures up of Seanna...

I am afraid I don't know how to send a friend message yet.  I checked FAQ's, but mostly that is on Corgi care.  If I figure it out, I will send one.  Otherwise, I'll contact my son tomorrow to ask him to help.  He is totally computer/internet/forum savvy.  He is in the IT field and has grown up with computers and the internet, unlike Corgi Grandma (me).

I'd love to see photos of Seanna.

I'm getting one of those puppies too, a red and white female from the Candy/Teddy litter.  My boyfriend and I are driving down there from NW Iowa, Mapquest says it's a 10 hour and 41 minute drive.  It's a looooong drive but I believe will be worth it.

Which puppy is your new puppy?  Candy's puppies are adorable.  Most were already reserved before Kevin realized he was financially ready for his new puppy.  She sold the last of that litter yesterday.  Male #3 is "pending".  I was partial to male #4 in that litter, but he was already reserved.

I noticed on her site that she has made the decision to retire Robin after this most recent litter for her.  It is good that Kathy thinks of the mom's health as well, and places them in good homes rather than turning them into long-term breeding machines. 

I will have to check out her Facebook page.  Kevin said she has a lot more detailed information there, but I haven't had time to get there yet.

Good luck on your VERY long drive.  It will definitely be worth it ....... 

I just asked her about shipping because my estimated fuel cost according to Mapquest is a bit high but could be lower or higher depending on gas prices at the time and actual mileage I will get.  I think the cost of shipping would be higher than driving there, I just don't like the long hours in the car.  Kathy said something about seeing if you'd take my puppy with you and having me meet you in Champaigne, it would shave off at least 4 hours driving time.  Would you be willing to do that?

I am trying to remember if you mentioned where you live?  My brain is fuzz right now, I'm so tired.

Why don't you e-mail me and we'll see if we can work something out?

I can tell you that our biggest problem would be that I will be riding down with Kevin and it is my understanding that we will likely not be back here until around 7 or 8 p.m.  If you had a long drive home, that might make you get into your area fairly late. 

I am in NW Iowa but I discussed what to do with my boyfriend and have decided to ship her so it will either be an hour or a 2 1/2 hour drive for me (one way) rather than 8 or 10.  It costs a bit more but we don't think it's much more than the cost of gas and food.


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