Piper is scared of EVERYTHING outside of the house! Help!

So I have a big back yard and that's where piper goes potty when I take her out and if there are any dogs barking at all she puts her ears back and runs to the door wanting back inside and looks scared to death. And then today one of my neighbors was having their lawn cut and you could hear the hedge trimmer going. But it wasn't that close or too terribly loud or anything and Piper did the same thing! She was shaking and everytime I would pick her up and put her back into the grass and said its ok piper trying to comfort her she ran right to the door again with her ears back shaking. I feel so bad but I tried to keep her outside on my porch and tell her it's ok.

Also she HATES going in the front yard to walk a little bit. I try to just get her out of the house a little everyday and take her on a walk just a couple houses down and she's terrified of cars driving by and wants to just go home the whole time.

How can I get her to become comfortable with these loud noises and walking outside?? Thanks!!

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She is so cute. Now you need to show her how to be brave . Stay out in the yard when she runs back act like it is normal. have something she likes and play with it so she can see you are not upset by all the noise. A little more each time will help her overcome the fear. But like Hannah said if you make a big deal out of it she will never get used it the action.

I hate to say it but it sounds like she was not exposed to much activity as a puppy.   She should have come to you familiar with the sounds she is now afraid of.  Was there a problem with her litter maybe that they did not get socialized?  Were they on a quiet rural property with no surrounding noises?

I would introduce her a little at a time.  Try to distract her with really yummy treats or favorite toys while there are noises in the background.  Don't reward her for hiding, but continue to interact with her and be pleasant to her.  You might even try feeding her outside (with you there watching).  Introduce her to stuff gradually so you don't overwhelm her.  Good luck!


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