This is the most hilarious, ultimately insane device I've ever seen advertised for dogs. Ginny would revolt. What about your corgi?

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"..and your pet will love it too!"
Might be instructive to consult your dog re. what they think of our use of toilets and insistance upon privacy.
They must think humans are really weird.
I would think that Winnie and I would end up covered in poo, which would defeat the purpose of the product...haha. If I saw someone with this on their dog I would question their mental stability.
the worst part is there's two corgis in the video that runs next to the advertisement...poor corgis!
Hehehe don worry. Hv a closer look at the 2 lovely corgis in the TV ad. They're NOT wearing this silly contraption! LOL...

In any case, this thing reminds of all the silly devices thought up in Japan, known as "Chindogu". Keke...
This sure raises the bar for meaningless inventions... phew! What's next?

A robot to scratch ur dog's belly while u concentrate on watching ur TV?
If I saw a dog with a bag attached to his butt...I would probably fall over. LOL.
Much easier to use bad dispenser attached to leash. that looks like it would result in poop butt.
Corgi's are low riders, no way this would work. Plus I have two and I can just see Wrigley thinking its a new toy and chewing it off of Ryno.
omg this is just not right...teddy would never go poop and probably would ignore me for a couple of days..i mean seriously picking up poop isnt that bad, yes its gross but if u have a dog u got to expect that!
I'm just wondering how the heck you attatch the bag under a corgi's little nubbin, they can clamp it down and it takes the jaws of life to lift it! NO WAY would Franklin allow me to get within 10 miles of him with this contraption.
I think it goes over it... here's a video with corgi demo... eww...


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