Had to take Tipper to the vet today as she suddenly started walking funny on her back legs and yelped in pain when I touched her back. The vet examined her and told me that she might have the start of a disc problem in her back--she didn't do x-rays but ran a blood test and gave Tipper a cortisone shot and told me to keep her confined to an area to rest for about five weeks. I have a prescription for pain meds and Dexamthansone.

Tipper is able to walk very gingerly so I am hoping for the best. She is ten years old and in fairly good shape. She weighs 24 pounds and the vet said losing a pound or two would help to relieve some stress on her back.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that Tipper recovers fully. Hoping that this is in the early stages and can be managed. She is a mixed breed Corgi with legs a little longer than the usual Corgi but I guess she is still prone to the same back problems.

Thinking about losing Tipper or seeing her in pain is a lot for me to bear right now. I am hoping for the best. She is such a great girl, I would love to keep her around to a ripe old age!  

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I am so sorry to read this!  We worry so much about our babies.  Will they do xrays to see if that is the problem and if there is anything they can do about it?  My Max had IVDD in his neck badly and was in constant pain, he was about 8.  I was sick knowing that he couldn't stay on pain meds all the time not that they were helping all that much.  His head was titled to the side, he couldn't move it and stopped barking.  I did not want to have to make a decision.

Acupuncture was suggested to me.  I can't say enough good things about it.  After several weekly treatments he could move his head and started being his noisy self again.  After several monthly treatments plus adding an herbal supplement to his food (from the acupuncture vet) he acted like a younger corgi wanting to play and walk and frap all over.  I took him for a treatment whenever I felt he wasn't quite as frisky.  He did acupuncture for 5 years before cancer took him from me.

Seeing what it did for him I sought treatment for myself, I have a fusion in my back.  A dog doesn't know it's suppose to help so I figured I would try it.  Best thing ever.

Maybe look for an acupuncture vet and see if that will help control the pain and get her moving better so you can have those extra years. 

Hi Linda, 

Thanks for caring. 

The vet said that she was afraid to do x-rays that night because she was afraid that Tipper could further injure herself if she twisted the wrong way during the procedure. She is hoping that the treatment she subscribed will help Tipper recover and prevent the problem from getting worse. 

Tipper is on strict bed rest for at least five weeks. This blindsided me, because she was so active and healthy only a day before she got sick. 

This vet  also performs acupuncture so perhaps that will be an option. It is great to hear about Max's recovery. It gives me hope! 

This morning, Tipper did seem a little better. She is standing up on all fours (a good sign!) but seemed a bit tender when I carried her down the stairs. I let her out in the yard to do her business and then she went back to rest. I heard that it will take about 7 days for her to start feeling better...and then about eight weeks for full recovery---if she doesn't do anything to cause further damage.

I've always encouraged Tipper to be active but I'm thinking that her future will not be filled 

with some of the game she used to play as they are too hard on her legs and back. 

Just wanted to add that I'm sorry for Max's passing from cancer. But, he did live to a ripe old age. Dogs live such short lives but they live them fully and fill us with joy every year that we have them. 

I'll pray for Tipper. I'm currently working with Noodles doctor to figure out what is goingoing on with him. He had been holding his right back leg at a funny angle for a while and then the week of Christmas, he started dragging that foot. When I took Noodles in last week, she wants to start with Gabapentin to see if it's his arthritis. If that doesn't help, she will recommend us to the neurologist. Noodles is 11.5. He doesn't seem to be in pain, still wants to take walks, goes slowly up and down stairs and doesn't have weakness in that back leg. I'm praying it's just his arthritis and not anything more serious. I feel like I watch him like a hawk just to make sure he's okay.

I'll pray for Noodles, too. Taking Noodles to the vet is the best first step. I thought Tipper had just sprained her back leg, too. It's hard to tell.

I just want to spend a few more years with Tipper if I can. Noodles doesn't seem to be in bad shape if he is still able to take walks and go up stairs. Just be careful that Noodles doesn't strain himself too much on the stairs. All Corgis have the potential for back problems so you might want to consider carrying him up the stairs. 

Thank you for your kind words.  Yes, they never live long enough but they give us so much while they are with us.

I had taken Max into the vet for a checkup...he had developed DM...and while there I ask him to check a lump on his neck.  He had fluid filled cysts before, had a huge one removed from his side several years before.  I was blindsided when the diagnosis came back as lymphnoma.  He was 13 and the DM was progressing rapidly so we chose not to treat the lymphnoma other than with prednisone to shrink the tumor.  We had another 3 months with him before we had to make a decision.

We still have his cousin, Katie, who will be 13 next month.  As I was emailing their breeder to tell her about Max's diagnosis she was in the processing of emailing me to ask if we would be interested in one of her other corgis that needed to be rehome.  It was a hard choice for me at first because I felt it was like replacing Max before he was even gone but my husband said things happen for a reason, you don't argue with fate.  We took Max and Katie to meet Brady and it was as if they had been together all their lives.  Max actually perked up a lot after Brady joined our family.  As we all know they can never be replaced but Brady did come into our lives at the time.  He helped us grieve and he was perfect for Katie, she has never been an only dog and we did worry about how she would handle it when Max passed.

Prayers will continue for Tipper.  Please keep us posted on how she is doing.

Prayers for Tipper and Noodles.

An update. Well, two weeks have passed and Tipper seems to be doing better- she has good days when I have to do my best to keep her from exerting herself too much and days when all she does is sleep. 

I bought her a raised bowl stand so that she doesn't have to strain her neck when she eats or drinks and some extra padding to place under her bed. 

Basically all she does is eat, sleep, and go to potty in the yard--and then right back up to her sleeping area (no crate since she would just spend all day whining and banging against the door).

I found a good site that has great information about her ailment. I especially appreciate the information on how to carry her. Since she hates having her legs touched I have to do a modified version but it is useful. 


She is no longer on medication so I am wondering if she will start feeling pain again. I use an ice pack once a day to help soothe any swelling or pain she might be feeling. I have read that heating pads are also useful.

The vet says she needs six weeks bed rest but the literature I read said that it should be eight weeks if the treatment is rest only--and six weeks if surgery is involved. 

From what I've read surgery is mostly useful for young dogs. Tipper is 10 years old so I don't think it is a good option---plus she can walk and go to potty on her own so I am feeling hopeful for a full recovery! 

Tipper IVDD Update--Entering Week Six

Tipper is doing fine, mostly being a good patient, except for jumping up on the bed once. Trying to accept, that even in hospitals, naughty patients rip out IVs and such! I have been giving her a supplement with Omega3- and Omega-6 to help her heal. Once this week is over, there are two more weeks of bed rest to go. Whew!

She is able to go potty but I feel that she holds it for as long as she can (still going daily though) because it takes more effort. I'm also giving her some extra fiber to make it easier.

Mostly, I am thankful that she is able to walk on her own even though her back legs are still a bit weak. I was fearful of the worst and am thankful for the recovery that I've witnessed thus far.

After eight weeks, I will continue to keep her on leash and start walking her gently around the yard until we build up to about 15 minutes per walk. I'm sure her muscles will be weaker from eight weeks of bed rest, so I want to take it easy. Eventually, I'll take her back on walks outside of the yard.--but no more ball chasing, jumping, or climbing stairs!  

I am so glad that Tipper is doing so much better! That is wonderful news. Thank you for posting the link to Dodgerslist. I just started reading your posts because our corgi is losing mobility in his back legs--we are going to the neurological specialist tomorrow.

Thank you. Tipper is in her eighth week of recovery  now. She is doing much better. I recently read that the nerves in the back take a long time to heal and I can see that. Although I believe that she is now out of the danger zone, I still think that she needs a few more weeks of restricted movement--which she seems fine with. She spends a lot of time sleeping and resting so I am going to judge her ability by what she feels rather than just the passage of time.

I did find a great joint mobility supplement made by the company who makes her wet food. I've been using it for the past two weeks. It has Glucosamine Sulfate and collagen and Hyaluronic acid and Vitamic C and bee pollen, egg yolk and flaxseed and a ton of great things that I believe are helpful.

I am mindful of the fact that I have to make it easy for her to move her bowels as her back area is still a bit weak so make sure she gets enough fiber.  I notice that she is finding it easier to pee and move her bowels once she gets out there because it used to take her longer and it seemed like it was harder for her to hold her leg up to pee before,

So, I am mindful of little bits of progress here and there and longing for the days that we took nice walks. Her illness served to remind me that she is not a young dog any longer--at ten years old I have to be mindful that she is an elderly lady.

I am glad that your corgi is getting the attention of a specialist at this time. I think the sooner the help arrives the bette,r as there is a lot you can do in terms of prevention and lifestyle changes.

Best of luck!

Thanks so much, Rachelle. It sounds like you are taking great care of Tipper. I'm so glad that she is doing better. I am seeing how hard it is to restrict their movements and have also done a lot of reflecting on what my dog used to be able to do. (He was a big fan of chasing the water from the garden hose and jumping onto the bed when we were not in the house.) I don't mind him slowing down, of course--I just want him to be comfortable and relaxed in his old age.   

Would you mind sharing what company makes the supplement you mentioned? Orson currently takes fish oil and a glucosamine treat, but it sounds like you've got a really good one there. 


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