I was just curious what is the consensus on "puppy humping"? Read a few articles on-line. One article mentioned its a dominance issue another said it wasn't. One method is to just ignore or just tell the dog "No". What is everyone's experience on this?

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Your puppy is just a few months old, right? I doubt it's dominance. Puppies are dominant to other puppies but rarely to anything else. I would just redirect him to more appropriate play. It may be frustration, but pups also (sorry) engage in sexual play and it may just be that.

Redirect him to toys, same as you would for chewing, but probably a more vigorous game would be needed to distract him. Tug or ball-chasing.

thank you :)

On second thought, I would probably manually remove him, ask him to sit or something, THEN redirect to play, lest he come to see humping as a way to ask for a game...

I think with younger dogs or dogs nearing sexual maturity it is more likely a sexual behavior than a dominant behavior. Franklin attempted this behavior around 5 months old, I got him  neutered, he's never done it again. If you plan to neuter later you should probably correct the behavior immediately. A firm "no" and pick him up and remove him from the situation. With Franklin he responded to a no and hand clap. Even if it is a dominance or copycat behavior (I've seen completely submissive dogs do it after another dog humped them) it can become a really obnoxious behavior so its best to stop it now before it becomes habit. Nobody likes the dog in the play group that is constantly trying to hump all the other dogs whether it be due to dominance or sexual behavior. At this age it should be relatively easy to stop and redirect.

Thank you I'll definitely do that.

My husband bought me an Australian Shepherd puppy who is now 14 weeks old.  She does this to me periodically.  I just stop, stare at her until she makes eye contact, and then gently remove her from my leg, while telling her no.  She's getting much better, but wow, is it embarrassing!  And I'm the only one she does it with...but I'm also her favorite person.  :-)

Haha...I'm going to start to tell him "no" then. My puppy is right behind yours...11weeks

My puppy is 12 weeks and he has started this as well, and only to me.  I know having him fixed should end this but what age does he have to be before he can be neutered?

6 months is the standard.


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