Yesterday my husband and I were watching TV and Jasper was snoozing under the coffee table as per usual when all of the sudden he let out a few high pitched yelps. We rushed over and picked him up, checked his whole body over, looked in his ears, mouth, and moved all his joints. I made him get up and walk around a little and he moved okay besides being in a sleepy stupor. It was just so weird that he would start yelping from a sound sleep like you think dogs can have nightmares? My other dog used to make little whimper sounds in his sleep sometimes but it was never an all-out yelping like Jasper did yesterday. Any thoughts?

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I'm sure it happens. Although mine has never yelped, just last night she was quietly barking and growling in her sleep. Even in their sleep, they're still active! As long as he seemed fine, I wouldn't worry. :)
I would guess that he was in a deep R.E.M. sleep and something suddenly disturbed him.
Our dog Scout (the non corgi one) is the one of the most sweet, submissive dogs I have ever met. But if I bump her while she is in a deep sleep she will growl because I startle her, we always laugh when that happens because hearing her growl is so uncharacteristic.
Dogs and cats have dreams. Sometimes you'd see them twotching their legs like if they're running. You can see their eyes moving under their lids - definite sign.
The first night after we got Shiro he made really weird sounds, like snorting every secong. My fiance woke me up in horror, he thought something was wrong with him, like choking on his bedding. We looked at him, he was just sleeping belly up, as usual.


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