First off, I know that rawhides come with certain risks which is why some people choose not to give them to their dogs at all, but many people and pets do just fine when rawhides are given under supervision. Having said that, I always let Finn chew a rawhide while I'm home for my lunch break. I let him chew half of a new one then take it away and the next day he can chew the remaining half down to about 2 inches and I take it and throw it away. Never had a problem with this.

Today, however, I messed up big time. We were going through our normal lunch routine when my brother called me and I got distracted. When I hung up the phone I looked at Finn and he was just sitting there licking his lips. I looked all over hoping he had dropped the rawhide but no such luck; he ate the whole thing. I know he chews off small pieces but I'm concerned about the fact that he ate the entire rawhide (it was a fresh one, not a half of one) and he even at the last couple inches which I don't allow because I don't know how long he will chew it before just swallowing it.

Many months ago my husband had given him one of these in his crate not knowing he would eat the whole thing (it was the first time we gave him these) and during the night he got sick and had uncontrollable diarrhea in his crate and was ill several hours after. This is what made us realize was a strong chewer and needed to be watched if he's going to have them. I also wanted to get larger ones because we have tried them and he has a harder time chewing them but having just bought this bag, we were trying to use them up first. It's been working great until I screwed up today! I feel awful because I really don't want him to get sick or end up with an obstruction. Is there anything I can/should do or is it one of those wait and see situations? I really hope he passes it ok. I can't believe I did that!

The one he ate was like this:
they're about 8" long and rolled to the width of a penny.

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It's happened to me...generally with bully sticks. Oliver has 4" left, I leave the room for 10 minutes...and it's gone. I know bully sitcks are easier to digest...but he's never had a problem.
That's pretty much how Finn is. If I'm watching him chew it takes him forever but if I walk away he'll do 20 minutes worth of chewing in 5.
Should be OK...I let one of my dogs eat a HUGE one one night, and I was up all night with her having diarrhea. If they're used to them and don't go way overboard, it should be OK. Bet Finn thought it was a special occasion!
He is used to them but not used to eating so much. I hope it won't make a difference. He looked pleased as punch after eating it and I'm left to do the worrying.
Most of the time it should be fine, if it didn't happen too long ago and you rather not risk it, you can induce vomiting by a capful of hydrogen peroxide. If it's almost pooping time, then just let him go for it. if Finn appears to be straining during bm, try taking him on long walks and try again, if there's blood in the poop, it's not the end of the world. Give him a day of no food and rest, make sure he drink plenty of water, and try again. Of course Finn could very well have no problem in the end. Keep us updated :)
When he got sick from eating one before (of course I can't say for sure that it was due to the rawhide but I'm 99% sure) he had diarrhea about 6-8 hours later and (sorry this is gross) I woke to the sound of him having a BM while lying down in his crate. He had no control over it and it was terrible. Once he was washed I took him out and he kept straining to go potty but no more was coming out except for a few drops of blood which I'm sure was due to the inflammation. I was concerned about obstruction then too but he ended up being fine so I'm not sure what exactly made him sick. I never did notice any chunks of rawhide being passed.

I think it's too late to induce vomiting now. I thought of it at the time then realized I had just thrown out the peroxide the night before because it was expired and I couldn't run to buy more after he ate it because I had to be back at work. The thought did cross my mind though.

Just for future reference, how much peroxide would I give him (38 lbs) and how does that make them throw up? How quickly does it work? Is it harmful to the dog in any way?

I'm nervous to get back home and check on him. He usually poops when I walk him after work but I don't know if that will have been enough time to include the rawhide. I don't honestly know how long it takes a dog to digest.
he he he.... I know exactly what you mean :) There were several times where I didn't get much sleep and wake up to a brutal "crime scene", I think its a part of the human parenthood preparation.

If it's within 2 hours of ingestion, a cap full 3% hydrogen peroxide from the bottle is about 1tsp, it's sufficient for a dog up to 40lbs. If you've been to a target pharmacy, keep the syringe, it's great for dog application. It is safe and vomiting should occur in 10 mins, usually they will vomit twice, so keep them in the tile area like kitchen or bathroom.

If the blood color is bright red, that means the sharp edges scraped the internal lining of the lower intestines, it should be gone in 3-4 days.

If Finn had raw food, it'll take 4-6 hrs transit time, if he had dry kibble, it'll take about 10-12 hrs.
Thanks for all the information, Sam. I will pick up some fresh hydrogen peroxide and a syringe to keep on hand though it won't be of use this time around.

The blood color was bright red and was gone the next day, thank God.

He eats dry kibble so when he goes potty when I get off work at 5pm I'm sure it contains his breakfast. I guess we may have to wait until tomorrow to see if he's going to pass the rawhide or not. I'll keep an eye on him an pray for my sake and his that all goes smoothly. Keep you all posted. :)
Should be fine like everyone else said. We limit out pups as well to halfies (the flatter rawhides) since if they both eat the whole things they both vomit....

imagine.. two corgs.. vomitting white foamy gunk all over your living room. Augh!

Just keep an eye on em :) Should be fine though! When we first got charlie he swallowed half of one whole when roxi trotted by! Wasn't used to eating around another dog. All I heard was a gulp and he was sitting there panting away.... he was fine though.. thankfully lol.
Ha ha, I can just picture him swallowing it as she walked by! Glad to hear he was ok though.
i think finn will be fine:) teddy actually did almost the same thing the other day with snoopy. i had given them a raw hid bone because it keeps them busy for hrs. which is good if u wanna clean your house lol they some how both ate the middle out of the bone and then they both had a piece and ate it in one day. thats all they did until i took them out for there walk. they had diarrhea for only a few hrs but the next day they were fine:)
So here's the update, nothing weird has happened. I walked Finn when I got home around 5pm yesterday and he pooped (a little less than usual but no big deal) and acted fine wanting to play and be a brat as usual. I fed him less for dinner just because I figured if he has all that rawhide in him then he's already pretty full.

This morning my husband walked him around 7am and he went #2 (don't know the details of it yet) and ate breakfast and continued to act happy and healthy.

I'm now at work so when I go home at lunch it will have been 24 hours since he at the rawhide. If he has gone without incident this long are we in the clear? If he's going potty and doing everything in a normal manor then there is no risk of having any of the rawhide stuck in there, right? I'm going to find out if my husband saw him pass any rawhide pieces. Such a pleasant discussion, isn't it? :)


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