If my dogs don't have fleas can I give them sentinel for heartworm protection and protection from fleas. I heard that sentinel doesn't kill adult fleas. If the dogs gets fleas will it prevent an infestation or prevent the adult from laying eggs and the eggs hatching or whatever the cycle is in the flea world.

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That is what I give Penelope. I live in South Louisiana so we are full of critters, especially now since our cold is pretty much over! The vet we go to really likes it and it allows the flea eggs to not mature, the don't develop to hatch so if you don't have fleas now, maybe you won't! We haven't had any yet and it has been about 9 months Penelope has been at home with us.
Sentinel is pretty much a flea birth control. It doesn't kill the adult fleas, it only sterilizes their eggs from hatching. I personally don't like it for that sole fact that it doesn't kill the adults. At the vet's office I tech for, I purchase comfortis for fleas and interceptor for HW. Comfortis is a wonderful tablet that has to be given with a meal, but works longer to kill the fleas then a topical does, meaning it lasts longer then a month and it kills adults within 30minutes of them biting the dog! Like I said, it's a wonderful pill and I love it! So if topical flea preventatives arent your thing then i'd recommend comfortis and interceptor combo!
We are on Sentinel, like you said, it does not kill adult fleas, so probably 1-2 times a year we use capstar, it only last 24 hours and adult fleas die within the first 20 mins. Like Krystal said, Comfortis works all month long and does a great job. The reason why use the Sentinel / Capstar combo is because we wanted the least amount of rx in their bloodstream, it is really a personal choice :)
I live in South Louisiana also and this is what I give Dax. The other two pretty much summed it up. It does work, like you said, it doesn't kill adult fleas but since I started giving it to Dax he hasn't had a flea. I lapsed one month because I ran out and I had to give him just a heartworm preventative without flea protection, and that month he became INFESTED. I bought Capstar, got rid of the adult fleas, treated my house, started back on the Sentinel the next month and we've been flea free ever since. :)
UGG! Living in Florida, like Sam. Started in Frontline ($80)...bad results. Just yesterday Nutmeg started a food strike, so I took her to the vet. The vet said to try Advantix ( another $80.00). I have my house treated monthly ($25) and the yard ($25). She said Comfortis would not kill the larva. I'm SO over this. How do I combine everything to keep her flea free. She is very sensitive, and I just hate seeing her scratch. I check her like a maniac, and pick them off. It's so not fair :(
I use Sentinel and my dogs get the brewer yeast tablets w/garlic and haven't had a flea issue since I've lived here which has been 10 years.
We get the yard treated and the house treated as I am in Florida, I have never actually had a problem with fleas. The one time Max got fleas was when he went to a friends for a week when we were on vacation. We just bathed him and put a topical on him and there was no further problem. I do notice more dogs in the houses around me now so I can assume the risk is slightly higher now.
I use Sentinal. I've never had a flea problem with my dogs and I live in Central Florida. My vet told me the same thing, if I ever had a flea problem or tick problem they'd switch me to Comfortis with Interceptor. Thankfully I've never had to worry about it.


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