Good morning!  Has anyone used this paw wax on their senior corgis to help keep their feet underneath them on inside hardwood flooring?  It's not easy to find.  Does anyone have any other suggestions for traction (just short of carpeting the house!).  Thanks

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 I would suggest  buying some carpet runners and placing them in strategic areas and the traffic pathways.  The dog will learn to use them.  You can buy runners cheaply by the foot at Lowes or Home Depot. 

I've never used the wax, but in the last year or so have been trimming the fur in between his paw pads. If you don't already do that, it could be worth a try. Definitely way less slippy.

Max is a fluffy so he gets Frodo feet and I have to keep them trimmed or he goes sailing across the hardwood when he is chasing a toy.  That does seem to help him running and doing the stairs.  Give it a try.


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