Frosty unexpectedly had explosive pooping in his crate on Wednesday.  Very unusual for him, he never goes in his kennel.  And then he vomited.  Since then he has had constant diarrhea, but no other usual activity or symptoms.  I was hoping it was just an upset stomach.  He has had constant SUPER stinky gas and I have had to spend the last couple nights on the couch so I could let him out to go potty in the middle of the night.  Then he stopped eating last night.  Luckily my vet is open on Saturday, so that was our first priority when I got up.  After xrays and exam, the vet stated that he doesn't think there is an obstruction (although he then freaks me out by saying "well, I have been know to be wrong about that..." SERIOUSLY??!!).  So we're going with the Frosty-has-food-poisoning theory.  He is now on antibiotic for a week, prednisone for 5 days, and he got a shot to slow down the intestinal movement.  The vet said we should see improvement in the next 24 hours.  Still not seeing any improvement on the SUPER stinky gas though lol!!!  The vet had us switch him to canned food since he won't eat his dog food.  Oh, forgot to mention, he didn't have any problem at all eating treats at the vet lol, so it is just his food he is objecting to.  He is drinking tons of water like he is supposed to.

Does anyone have any recommendations for anything else I could do to help Frosty be more comfortable?

Also, has anyone had a bad experience like this in the past that could point out any signs that might tell me his condition is more serious?  The vet honestly didn't seem at all confident that he had any idea what is wrong with him.

Can anyone recommend any way, any way at all!! to help get rid of the super gross stinky gas?  He is literally chasing us all out of the room with his stinky clouds lol!!


Frosty is doing much much better now.  He was full of energy and naughtiness yesterday and the stinky gas seems to have stopped.  Thanks goodness!!  He is back to bouncing off the walls and playing cat police as usual.  Haven't seen him poo since Saturday, so hopefully that's all over too!

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Just wanted to let you know Franklin now has sympathy diarrhea :-( I was up all night with him having to go out every hour or so! I hope Frosty feels better. I've switched Frank to a bland diet and hope things clear up for him soon! Sheesh, dogs.....

This is how Napolean was for about 3 days. He had some horrid gas too! We put him on a warm/cold rice and chicken diet to help comfort his stomach. You can try to determine when exactly he needs to relieve himself to help with his stomach.

Was his food  on a recall list? You can give a dog pink pepto, a baby to child dose to help with stomach upset. Also any of the baby electrolyte waters to help until he is eating well.

There was a recent recall for Salmonella.  I forget the mfr.

My first thought was giardia...Karma had that and had explosive diarrhea in his crate.  Grossness.

I'm very, very sorry to say that Lilliput has come down with "sympathy diarrhea" also :) I didn't know that was a thing, but I guess it must be. We all just better stop talking about this! For Lilli, this is nothing new. I've opened the doggy door for the night, and will be wiping bottoms instead of sleeping.

Maybe a memo went out from the mother ship because Logan has had the diarrhea all weekend!  It started Friday in the middle of the night.  I heard a commotion in his crate and got right up.  It sounded like he was stuck and struggling.  It turned out that he had just vomited up grass (I wonder if the noise was him trying to stay away from it?).  I let him out and he came back with an awful case of poopy butt.  I chalked it up to him having a big day where we visited some pups and a new pet store with fancy baked treats.  He continued to have the runs all day and the same night time thing happened Saturday night.  We didn't take him to the vet over the weekend because he still had good energy and was eating regularly.  We have since started giving him some sensitive stomach canned food we had from when Amy had hemorrhagic gastritis.  I if I don't see a firmer stool today I will have him to the vet too.  What is going on with our babies?

PS- I really hope that nothing is seriously wrong with sweet Frosty!

Frosty is doing much much better now.  He was full of energy and naughtiness yesterday and the stinky gas seems to have stopped.  Thanks goodness!!  He is back to bouncing off the walls and playing cat police as usual.  Haven't seen him poo since Saturday, so hopefully that's all over too!

from a cartoon, vet to dog owner:

"...try stop talking to him in that simpering, sacharine babytalk, and see if the nausea and vomiting go away...."   :)

Hope the big guy's OK.

Yes, test him for parasites especially Giardia.
The stinky gas could be a sign of food allergies. That's how we found out Chase is allergic to wheat. He is now on a wheat free diet and you can tell when someone has been "cheating" and feeding him people food or something that contains wheat. He will have room clearing gas.

Logan is still having the runs. I'm taking him to the vet today. I'll ask about Giardia.


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