My Daisy is throwing up her food today and is acting very lethargic and pitiful.  She is drinking water just fine and is having normal bowel movements.  If she is no better in the morning she is goign to the vet.  Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do for her in the meantime?  She is a very healthy girl... and has not had an issue with throwing up before.

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The fact that she is drinking water and still having normal bowel movements for the moment is a good sign. My pups have gone through days randomly [maybe once every 8 months] where they just don't want to keep food down. They'll eat grass outside to try and calm their tummy down, but even that will come back up. In my experience, they've been fine the next evening, but the vet is obviously going to know more. I would possibly try some kind of homemade snack, nothing too big, but maybe a bit of rice absorbed in water and chicken broth and maybe a small chunk or two of chicken if she seems to keep it down. I know rice helps for tummy aches, and maybe it would too in this case. I know my babies feel special when I make them a meal rather than their everyday kibble, so even if it didn't solve the problem, she would probably feel special ;-) I hope everything is okay.

My spaniel has a sensitive tummy and we think he is nibbling a plant in the yard. He would stop eating, act glum and have a nasty poop, then be OK the next day. We try to keep him away from the plants and about a month ago started giving him a spoon of yogurt everyday and it seems to have helped. We did a lot of yard work over 4th of July and he was around the plants a lot, but didn't get sick this time.

Daisy is doing better this morning.  Last night I tried a little rice and boiled chicken and she devoured it but that all did not stay down.  I got her to eat a popcicle and drink plenty of water and it all stayed down.  So far her rice and chicken breakfast is staying down and she is much more energetic, her nose is cool and moist and bowel movement was good.

Oh my goodness this is great news. If she likes popsicles, you might try chicken broth ice cubes for summertime treats, or anytime treats around my house [ice cubes are a ridiculous hit!]. And if she's ever got dehydration issues, pedialyte ice cubes are very handy. I'm so glad she's looking to be better. :-)

She could just have an upset stomach. Like others have mentioned, since she's able to keep water down and poop regularly, it shouldn't be too severe. Maybe she'll be able to hold down a bland diet of boiled chicken and rice? I hope you're baby feels better!

I just read your update; that's great news! Glad she is ok.


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