I was wondering if anyone else has had problems with the spay incision on their pups. I just noticed last night that there were two strings sticking out of her former incision (she was spayed at the beginning of June.)

She was finally healing. She had infection earlier and was put on Cefa-Drops. Now, she's got an inflamed spot on her former incision that is raised and red. I suspect that they didn't get all of the stitches out.

Is this a common problem? My mom's dogs have never had this issue.

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Best to have them look her over. Is she acting okay or sore and sickly? When my females go through c-sections they use staples and the one time the one incision got infected...she was sore, not eating well, raised temperature and then the incision didn't look right..raised and inflamed. I took warm compresses and massage and that seemed to get it draining and looking better but she needed more meds which the vet gave to me and she was fine.
Actually, she's acting quite fine. She wasn't eating much a week or so ago and I switched flavors of the Taste of the Wild and she has since returned to a more corgi-like food sensibility. She's running around and jumping all over the place.
Of course, she was doing all of this when she was trying to heal from the initial Spay job and I had to keep her crated the bulk of the time as she did not want to stay still at all. And that got infected at the base of her incision (towards her vagina) and she got over it. I was wiping it clean for a while after wards and had since stopped when it started to look normal and healthy again.

Last night she was showing me her tummy and that was when I noticed how bad it got suddenly. This time it is the middle, close to the original site of infection. It doesn't seem to be tender--I've touched it but never applied a lot of pressure and she didn't react to it at all. I really hate for her to be taking antibiotics so soon. I don't want to ruin her internal flora too much.
This is not a common problem. I would contact the vet who did the spay asap. May be these are dissolving sutures that did not dissolve properly. May be that sutures were left in and her body is treating them like a foreign object. Something must be there for her incision to be showing signs of infection. I would make it very clear to the veterinary office that you followed proper protocol. Did you bring her in for suture removal? If so I would mention that as you should not be charged for their mistake. Poor girl. Good luck!
You are totally right, Sam, that is exactly what happened to Freya. She got spayed on the 5th of June and as of today, she still had a fully intact suture in her body. Her body was rejecting the internal suture almost immediately after she was taken off of the Cefa-drops.

The vet tech was the one who originally took the sutures out the first time, this time another vet tech removed the visible ones while the Vet came in and told me they needed to put her on the surgical table cause they needed the light and the magnifying glass there.

They charged 14 for the examination and of the pulling of the suture--which is severely cheaper than the office fee of 38 dollars. She is now put back on antibiotics as they had expressed some fluids (pustules) from the worst of the suture rejection site.

The vet said that there are a select few dogs who just rejects the internal sutures--which I didn't know, but it makes a lot of sense.

Darcy had this exact problem.  She was spayed about 7 weeks ago, and has show real irritation at the incision site -- first, at one end, then at the other end (I think she pulled out part of the suture, herself)


It all looked healed and well until a few days ago - then the MIDDLE section of her incision was puffy and inflamed and pink, with a red dot in the middle.  I took her straight to the vet - they drained it and said it was infected, and put her on antibiotics.  They said her body was having a reaction to the sutures (rejecting them).  She's looking better, 3 days into the antibiotics, but I really question the original surgery.  I've had five dogs before Darcy, and not one of them had these kinds of issues with the spaying - especially 2 months afterward!  

Oh -- and they said they'd take out Darcy's baby teeth during the surgery, but for some reason they didn't.  Last week, I noticed that ALL FOUR of her canines had been growing in beside her baby teeth.  She essentially had 2 sets of teeth for each canine!  Took her to a different vet and had them removed under sedation.


So, poor thing, because of the teeth removal and incision infection, she can't have her usual hard food, can't "run, jump, play" (vet's words) and can't really have any chew toys just yet (she accidentally got hold of one and started chewing, and I saw blood on it). 

Not a common problem.  It has been some time since I had a dog spayed.  I didn't like the sutures that didn't desolve.  I disliked the feel of them when you petted the dogs tummy.  On one of my girls on occasions she got skin irritation due to it.  She was my therapy dog.  Had to treat it when she got inflammed.

Well, looks like Darcy's ordeal isn't over yet.  She got through a round of antibiotics a week ago, and now, yet another spot of her incision is looking infected again.  Thankfully, because of the internet, I knew to expect this (the vet said her body was "rejecting" the sutures).  I've read somewhere that it can take months for the sutures to either dissolve or expel themselves (or, at an extreme, a vet would have to go in and remove them).

I hate that an otherwise-healthy dog is just sidelined with these problems (the vet's instructions - don't let her jump, run, or play - good grief!).  I'm sure Darcy's in pain, or at the least, is irritated by these constant lesions/infections.  Poor baby!!

Sorry Darcy's having to go threw this.  I sure hope they dissolve soon.  Find out the kind they used and make sure if she has to have future surgury that they do not use them.  My vet would let me know. Good luck.  Hope She is up and running soon.


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