Becca has an appointment to get spayed next Tuesday. I waited until school was out so I could be home with her. How long will her recovery period be? I'm supposed to go to my mother's on July 1st for the week and am beginning to worry about it. Becca also is a wild woman, any suggestions how to keep things toned down?

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When Sophie was spayed they told me she would be groggy and sleep all night.  She did nothing of the sort, you never would have know she had anything done.  Keeping them from running and jumping is another thing.  If she is really full of energy people say you should put them in a kennel so they cant.  We didnt kennel Sophie we just kept an eye on her and only took her outiside on a leash and in the house tried to play with something she didnt have to run to get.  She had her stickes out after 2 weeks.  Its amazing how they recover so quickly.


I was worried when I got Lilly spayed, but thank God my vet believes in the pain meds!  I have a vet that comes to my house, he has a big RV type thing, so Lilly was able to be spayed in the driveway and came right into the house.  So the next day, she was back to normal!!  I just made sure she did not jump anywhere.  Not off the step outside, the bed, the couch...she didnt jump for about a week.  But other than that, she was a trooper!

Mine just had it done on May 17. The vet suggested restricted activity for 14 days. Walking on leash ONLY for no more than 20 minutes, no running, no playing fight, no swimming or baths. Be careful with the stairs. The sutures of mine was internal and will dissolve. No need to be removed.

The first three days, my pup was a little quiet and slept a lot. But after that, she was quite normal which came with the problem --- She wanted to play but she was not supposed to... She ended up to have so much energy that she barked us up at 5am every morning... I would say she completely recovered by the 10th day and we kept her restricted till 14 days. As soon as she let out the energy, no more morning barking... Thank God...

Maybe prepare some brain games to tire her out during this period and really restrict her especially the first few days. Be careful with the people and dogs when you take her out for washroom or walk ' cause you don' t want her to jump on people and hurt herself or play with other dogs. Let the people and the owners know that your girl just had a operation, they usually understand very well and will walk away. (I really felt like being a parent during that time since you gotta say a firm No to others for your kid's best interest.)

Good luck!

BTW, I put the Gentle Leader on mine during the recovery period walking outside. That way I will have more control so she wouldn't go wild easily...

Madison needed to be confined to an x-pen for almost the entire two weeks.   She had so much pent-up energy that she'd start flying around if we let her loose, and she pulled on the leash (not like her at all!) on her short walks.   

Neuters are easy, but it's imperative that you follow doctor's orders on restriction on a spay.  They do a complete hysterectomy and you don't want those stitches to come open!   She will probably be very groggy and sore the first day or so, but after that restricting her activity will be tough.  An ex-pen is a lifesaver if she'll stay in one. 


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