I am just curious as to what everyone does to exercise their corgi when the weather is rainy for several days at a time. Is a treadmill the only option? We live in an apartment and don't really have the room for a treadmill. We were thinking about setting up a frap course for him to do laps around our place. :-)

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I like the Petsmart idea! I was also thinking about maybe getting him a little raincoat for walks in light rain.
Lots of indoor play with small tennis balls and stuffed animals! We had a long cold spell here in the midwest, and Piper was only interested in the minimal amount of time outside to do her business. Occasionally she would run around the yard for a bit, but honestly it was COLD here. So we made sure she ran around the house, chased a ball, a bone, her stuffed lamb, anything. She seemed happy with that.
Indoor agility training!
I set up an armchair and the futon, I seperate them and have Atlas jump back and forth between them, and reward him with a treat for each jump. It really tires him out and he loves it.
Shopping list: raincoat, rain shoes, dog towel. Oh: old soccer ball, too.
Here in Seattle, if you let rain get in your way, you don't get to do much. Helps to keep a comb near the dog towel, 'cause sometimes I have to comb the wet dirt out of their belly fur.
Are the raincoat and rain shoes for you or for the dog or both? :-)
Atlas hates the rain.
He will run outside to do his business under a bush at the corner of the building to avoid standing out in the rain, and will take special care to avoid every puddle on the way back.
My spartan loves fetch inside. he's like a energizer bunny.
playing fetch, chase,catching a ball in the air, although I limit that so Lance doesnt hurt himself. Getting excercise in the house isnt the diffucult part its potty time, Lance just does not wont to do all of his business in the rain... : ( So like today it rained all day.......and he was squatting right in front of me in the house to do his business.....I calmly yelled outside and he went right to the door to go outside! Of course I had to put my jacket on and a leash on him and take him out so he would go for sure out there. Rainy days are not any fun!!!
I limit the jumping in the air to catch the ball (just wanted to clarify that)
I go out in the rain; can't let the weather stop me from walking the dog. Camber does not mind. Extreme cold I will curtail walks some, that's it.
I take both of these out in the rain and in the snow. They are not keen on the rain, but totally loved the snow. I just make sure that we have a good doggy towel for when we get back then we play indoors to make sure they are tired.
I really do not change my walking routine because of the weather..the only times I did not take Gibson for his 2 walks (since we started walking regularly) a day were when it was a -42degree windchill outside and the day he got neutered haha. My mom was the same way with her dogs though, so that is just what is normal for me.


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