Franklin will be 2 next week. When I take him out on his daily run we often play fetch for about 20 minutes (split up into 5 or 10 minute sessions) and the rest of the time he runs around, sniffs, and swims (usually another 40 min). For the last couple months I've noticed he gets stiff and has a slight limp in his hind end at night after he's been sleeping for a while. Last summer he was put under anesthesia for a procedure so I had them x-ray his hips and knees while they were at it. He has great hips/knees (or did then). Just wondering if anybody else has seen this with their corgis? I have some joint supplements the vet recommended just because he is a corgi but I haven't been giving it. I'm not sure if this is a muscle weakness or a joint weakness. It generally doesn't last very long and goes away after he walks around a bit. It just reminds me of my old arthritic dog and so it worries me a bit since he isn't even 2 yet

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We are just Corgi owners and are not experts.  I'm sure you'll discuss this issue with your vet but here is our experiences -


Our youngest, SunnyD, had a slight limp at the end of the day - or stiffness after arising from rest after a hard play or long walk.  She was under one and was diagnosed with elbow issues (front legs) that required surgery and has the onset of arthritus.  My other 3 Cardi's are between 2 and 3 are without any limping or stiffness upon arising - of course they all "stretch" themselves to get themselves going.  I consider our dogs (save SunnyD) moderately active, two 1-2 mile walks per day plus playing in the yard and swimming when weather permits.  SunnyD is currently recovering from surgery.


In our previous "batch" both dogs got a bit stiff and limpy upon arising, after age 8 or so.  At about 10.5 years we noted with our dog Jeannie that one rear leg seemed not to recover and she was eventually, because they could not attribute her deterioriating condition to anything else, diagnosed with spinal myelopathy. 


With SunnyD we noted the limping/stiffness several months before a vet could confirm an issue it by manipulating the dogs legs. 



with SunnyD was the limping showing up in the hind end? I know sometimes they can manifest in different parts of the body. Franklin has had his hips/knees x-rayed but they never did his elbows. Since he has the stiffness in the hind I wonder if it is bc he is somehow overcompensating for issues in the front end? I wanted to ask all the corgi folk since I have discussed it with my vet and she couldn't find anything wrong.

No it tooks us a little while to characterize her limp/stiffness but we both agreed it was front side though we differed on left or right - in fact it was both.  We actually had vets look at her several times before we could isolate the issue because everytime the doc saw her she looked very fit.


For us we knew we had a problem so we skipped the xray all together and went right to the cat-scan.    



Waffle gets this, too.  Usually he limps the first few steps after laying down for a long time.  I can't tell if it's front or back.  :\  This was another reason why the vets were pushing mild IVDD and hip dysplasia diagnosis on me.
I guess another question then is, if his hips and knees looked good a few months ago, is it possible for them to change/get worse as far as hip dysplasia goes? I've always had dogs who were diagnosed WITH dysplasia young, and have never had a dog with clean x-rays! So this is new to me! :-)

Mickey had a hind limp. Two vets said it was most likely hip problems but we brought him to a specialist and it in fact was an injured muscle that had no healed properly. We had a laser treatment done to him and it fixed it all up although it recently came back so we have to go again but it really did the trick. We were so worried then relieved when this was the outcome....

Maybe have that checked out. She felt it right away when she touched it although I couldnt....

He loved going for his  treatments too. He always got a massage and a cookie and fell asleep during the lasering! :)

it's interesting  you say that  because he had muscle biopsies on the leg he seems to be limping on most. The technicians gave him the wrong size cone and wouldn't listen to me as I told them over and over the cone needs to be longer. Needless to say we got right home and the edge of the cone tore open his incision that night. The vet said don't worry about it and just keep him quite and he will heal. He ended up with a scar and I wonder if maybe the biopsy site is causing some discomfort.....definitely something to ask the vet!
Hi Melissa, get a PennHip certified vet to check him out.


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