Here's a question for all you multi-dog households, or anyone who regularly walks/exercises your Corgi with other dogs.

Do you have a dog who seems to copy-cat another dog's potty behavior?

I've heard that overmarking is a sign of dominance, but my fairly submissive Corgi Maddie does something that I don't think is marking-related at all. She is clearly the more submissive of my two dogs in all other respects.

When Jack pees, Maddie sticks her head so far under Jack's leg that I think sometimes she gets peed on. She practically pushes him out of the way, then pees right where he does. (I've seen her mark, and this is not how she marks; it's normal elimination).

Ok, that's all well and good, but here's where it gets really weird. Sorry for being so graphic, and if you are snacking on something you might want to wait til later to read on...

but when Jack squats to poop, Maddie (if she has to go, or even sort of thinks maybe she might have to just a teensy bit), will shove her butt right up next to Jack, as he's squatting, and poop at the same time and in the same place he does, with her butt scrunched right up against his. Sometimes, instead, she'll just squat at the same time he does and a few feet away, but she does this "We're pooping now!!!" thing kind of a lot.

Maddie is about the sweetest dog I've ever met, but she is a bit daft. And to us (my husband and I) it almost seems like she's saying "Hey, what are you doing, Jack? Oh, you're POOPING!! I have to poop too! Where shall we poop? Right here? Ok!"

She does this with other stuff too ("What are you rolling in, Jack? Oh, I'll roll too!!" "What are you playing with, Jack? Oh, I want that too!!") but the simultaneous pooping is about the oddest thing I've seen.

Anyone else have a dog with this bizarre habit?

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Yes, and mine also tend to get squidgier as they walk, especially Jack's.

Switching to a lamb-and-rice food helped him, though; he would get very loose on long walks on a traditional formula, but has firmer stools on lamb-and-rice.


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