I received a suspicious E-mail from Karl Koch, subject: "Virus?"  When I marked it as Junk, the response was: "You are reporting  this message from mail@mycorgi.com as junk" Any feedback?  I don't want to block legitimate notifications from our site....

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Sorry, the name is actually Carl Koch.

Anna, some time ago we had some questionable notifications of some art that someone suggested we bring to Sam's attention. If my memory is correct, Sam dealt with it quickly and effectively, but it seemed to have hit more than one person. Not sure if your situation is just a mistake or a budding issue, but it might not hurt to change your email in My Corgi in case.

Thank you Holly,I finally figured out that the e-mail was a private message. I found it today on the site.

What threw me off is that an e-mail alerting you to a private message does not show up as coming from MyCorgi ( as the other notifications of posts being followed do).  Instead it shows up under the name of the sender of the message and, if you do not readily recognize that name, it looks like junk...... or suspicious.  It would be preferable IMO if MyCorgi simply alerted me that I have a private message.


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