It has been 9 days now since my little girl was spayed and just yesterday I noticed some swelling on one side of her incision.  There is no redness or draining..., the incision itself looks great but I'm concerned about this recent swelling.  She had gotten a bit rowdy with my german shepherd in the past day or two so I'm thining that may have alot to do with it.  I am going to call my vet today and let them know but I was curious if anyone else has experienced this.  We are in Michigan and having a snow/ice storm today so I really don't want to venture out but am concerned.  She is eating, playing, etc. normally.  The swelling is maybe about the size of a golfball and feels soft.  It's been really tough trying to keep her quiet these last few days! 

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Is the swollen area hard?  We were always told to watch for areas resembled a bar of soap (swollen and hard.)  I would definitely keep her quiet, though.  I had to keep Ellie from playing for 2 full weeks before she was allowed to play gently (no rough-housing with Yuki until the 3rd week.)  Let us know how she does!

Thanks for your reply. The area is very soft and squishy but not red and she lets me touch it so I don't think it's painful.  She's so bouncy all the time.  When I come in from outside, she wants to jump up.  I've put boxes up on all the furniture to stop her from jumping up on them!  

Good morning Cindy,

In all likelihood this is simply a seroma which often occurs after a spay surgery.  All of my female dogs have developed them after their spay surgeries.  If it is the size of a golf ball....that seems a little large for a corgi; my dogs' seromas never got that large.  They almost always just go away on their own as the collection of fluid is re-absorbed by their little corgi bodies.  I know you would feel better if you had the vet/vet tech check it out.  Keep us posted! 

Thank you.  It started out on one side of the incision but now seems to be under the incision and covering about a inch on each side of the incision.  She sure doesn't act like anything bothers her! 

Thanks!  She did great for the first 7-8 days but then I think I must've gotten a little more lenient about her playing because it had been 7-8 days, and maybe she overdid it playing.  I know she slipped on the ice once when I took her outside and landed on her side.  I hope that didn't injure anything. 

The way you describe it as soft and golfball sized it may be a seroma, which is just fluid build-up from her being too playful while its healing. I don't think its any big emergency but should be checked by the vet just in case. You should be going for a suture removal in the next couple of days anyway so maybe have it checked out at that time (you can remove sutures 10-14 days post spay so anytime really would be ok)

Thanks!  She has an apptmt tomorrow to get checked out and my vet said if anything changes before that to bring her in this afternoon.  I guess it can be quite normal but just to be on the safe side, they'd like to check it out.  She also has dissolvable stitches so I wonder if that has anything to do with it. 

It's probably a seroma, which is just a collection of fluid.  The body will re-absorb it.  Seanna had one after her spay and ACL surgery.  Just watch for signs of infection and a fever.

Thanks for your reply!

Well I took Ella in yesterday and she is going to be fine.  As a couple of you suggested, it was a seroma (fluid filled lump) that should go away on it's own.  I guess it's caused from her being too active too soon.  :/    So.. I'm very relieved now.  I have to keep her quiet for another week and then she should be healed!  Thanks for all your replies :) 

We had our Kadi spayed about a month ago and it was SOOOOOOOO hard to keep her from overdoing it! They are such tough little dogs that they ignore pain or discomfort a lot of breeds wouldn't. Having been a vet tech for 13 years, I knew what I was in for, so we had a pen ready for her to recover in and had to take her out only on a leash until her sutures came out. She was really good at making us feel like we were abusing her, but it was the only way to keep her quiet!

Yes, Chris, they are tough!  I had to put boxes up on the couch and chairs because she would jump up and that's quite a jump for her short, little legs!  She is a bit of a drama queen so she would whine when I crated her.  From the first day home from surgery, she was active.  You wouldn't have known she even had a surgery if you didn't see the wound.  When I take her outside, she wants to "hop" thru the snow.  It's tough keeping her quiet but thank goodness, we are close to being fully healed!!  :)


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