Winston is now just a week over 6months old. I'm wondering/worried about his teeth. I understand that the corgis are supposed to be getting their permanant teeth in around now. I noticed his canine on one side was missing. He has the super long canine on the other side. Well, when I looked inside his mouth, it looks like the tooth is laying up against the roof of his mouth. Then, on the bottom teeth, he has a tooth poking in where a tooth already is growing? Maybe? I'm attaching photos.
I'm guessing this is not good? I'm working with some limited funds at the moment and am kind of strapped for cash until the beginning of February. Does anyone know what I should be doing? I had some help holding him for the pictures so hopefully they can show what I mean better than I'm describing.
Thanks so much! With some assistance, we managed to rub on his tooth and it plopped right out onto the floor.
Winston wasn't very pleased, but he forgot all about it with the help of some cookies and a belly rub. Thanks again.
Luke had one of his baby canines that held on forever, I showed it to my trainer at class and she pushed on it a bit and sure enough it fell out that night. I'm kind of squeamish when it comes to teeth that aren't my own haha. Only that one crooked canine looks like anything to be worried about for Winston, and if you got it out already I think you'll probably be fine.
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