I've been thinking for the past 6 months or so about adding a corgi to my family. I currently have a 2.5 yr old Pembroke male, who has just been the best dog I could ever ask for. I'm more interested in getting an older dog, rather than a puppy, as I know they have a harder time finding homes. Looking around the internet one day I found a craigslist add for a male Cardigan, about 5 years old. He is a beautiful dog. The owner mentioned that she had shown him in the past (so I assume he isn't fixed) but my dog is, and if I were to get this dog I would certainly fix him, I'm not interested in showing my dogs. Will having two males be an issue? I heard if you wanted to have 2 male dogs that they needed to grow up together, how true is this? I'm just not sure how corgis are when it comes to dominance. Any help is appreciated!

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I hope it works out for you! I have two boys and they get along great. I hope your boys get along well too!

I have 3 males and 1 female and they all get along. More to play with. They take their turns and they all play at times.


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