this is a gross question about him going potty but i need to know if anyone else's dogs do this!

i know this is a weird question and is gross but i have been wanting to ask this for some time now (since he was a pup) 


its apparent that he like to "hold" or just dosnt want to go poop. he will walk around and it can be half way out of his butt but still wont stop and when he does he dosnt even finish and runs away in to the house and then a half hr later has to go out again. its so weird. this morning i took him out and he was about to but someone opened there car door and he just walked around until he "didnt" have to. i can clearly tell he has to but if the tiniest noise happens he will sit down and just stare at me. now i have never rewarded this behavior for when he sits down. i have stood outside and waited for an hour once in the rain.


does anyone elses dogs do this? its so weird to me and he has done this ever since he was 9weeks old.

the only time he does finish is when he has diarrhea. and please dont think i stand there and watch him poop, once he goes i look away. but i have to make sure he actually goes as he likes to fool me lol

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Hi Rebecca, walking promotes healthy bowel movement, bundle up and walk with him on leash :) Dogs are like young children, they get distracted easily.
they do lol i take him on a walk everyday at noon where he poops in the same spot everyday. and if hes having a bad day i play a ton of tug of war to get things moving


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