I've contacted two trainers, so far, that are in my area to inquire about classes and the cost of training.  I am, to say the least, very discouraged.  Perhaps I was wrong from the start, but I was thinking that a class would cost somewhere in the $100-200 range for about six sessions, with a higher price on the more advanced obedience and specialty courses (like agility or herding.)  Instead, I've been told that they "don't do puppy classes" as they are too distracting for the puppy to learn anything.  Worst of all, the lowest starting price (beginner obedience) between the two is $350 for just four sessions. 


Is it normal to have to pay nearly $100 per session with a trainer in a group setting?  I admit it's been a number of years since I last attended a dog obedience class, but have the prices really gone up that much?


There is only one other trainer in my area and I'm waiting on a call back for pricing, but I am not holding my breath.  For those who have used Petsmart, how was your experience with their training classes?  They are the only other option within a half-hour drive for me.  Once Ellie is older it won't be as much of a problem.  There's a trainer about an hour from here that I plan on using for herding or agility.  I'd just rather not have to drive that far for a puppy socialization class...

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I had no idea Zak George was a PetSmart Trainer
The trainers in my area (who come highly recommended by most dog owners) charge $10/week and the classes are 6 or 7 weeks long.  Even agility is $10/week.  I'm sorry you're having such trouble finding a good trainer for cheap.  :[  Good luck in your search, and don't settle for ridiculous prices!

It may not be what you want but did you check Petsmart?  I have no idea what the rates are either.  Good luck!



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