does anyone have the tug-a-jug? i wanted to get something new for teddy and something that would keep him busy as he is getting bored of his kongs, which i cant blame him. so i came across this. most of the reviews are from corgi owners lol but now i am worried, would he figure out how to get the food, i mean teddy is super smart but i dont want him to get frustrated and just ignore it. any reviews on this? and im not sure what size to get him. here is the link so u have an idea of what i am talking about:)

or on a side note if u got a toy your dog loves feel free to share:) i just want to keep his little mind busy since even after a 2hour walk hes still not tired

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My corgi's didn't like it either. I think it's a little big for them but my lab love's it =) I have treat stiks for my corgi's and they love them =)
I bought one of these for Callie a long time ago and neither her or now Cooper who is sooo a food hound has ever given it a second look...I'd gladly send ours to anybody if they want it?
that is very nice of you offer, i am interested:) if thats ok?
Rebecca & Teddy,
I'm quite serious...I will gladly send you ours at "no cost" to you if you'd like! It's silly for us to keep it around if nobody is going to play with it. I'd much rather Teddy hopefully get some use out of it. Ours is the kind with the rubber rope so it's hopefully safer and easier to clean. Just let us know how we can get it to you and I'll get it to you...L
I have the tug-a-jug and Franklin gets his meals in that and a rolling treat ball (I can't remember what its called, like an Omega treat ball? Its bright orange). I believe I got the small/medium size for both of them. He figured out very quickly to flip the jug on end and to pull the rope. The omega treat ball is great because there is no "trick" to it, they can't just lean it upsidedown or anything to get the treats out, they have to roll it around the house with their little noses and randomly treats fall. Only frustrating part with it is that its hard to clean because like i said, stuff randomly falls out, water included so I ended up having to cut a tiny hole in the top for water to drain when I wash it. Its very cute to watch him wander around the house pushing the ball with his nose in hopes a treat will pop out!
i think it is called the omega treat ball lol it sounds cute but i know what u mean about having to clean it, i dont think the company was thinking of that when they made it lol
I got it for my two. Each dog figure out it's own techique to get the treats out. Adora's is to grab it hop on the futon point the nose off and the push it off so a bunch fall out. Rhun just flings and pushed it around. I went with the medium/large and do to being really big it got flung into everything so it got a crack, then adora chewed it up the bottom cap. But the small has been holding up really well. There is another one from the same company which is a great introduction which my two love as well. You can start it with small kibbles to make it easy and larger ones to make it more challenging.
this looks like fun too for him:) thank you for the link!, i also like the bone in the ball toy. i bet that would keep him busy for awhile. they have a lot of toys to choose from
Got this for Tegan and she played with it once for about 5 minutes. Completely ignored it after that. She's very treat driven, but for some reason she really was bored by this or just didn't like it.
it makes u wonder why some like it and then some dont.
i want to thank everyone for the info and links:). it has given me some ideas of what to get teddy so he can preoccupied when i am busy. if there is anything else let me know!:)


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